Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education for Living
How can we children best share our filial love with our parents? Apart from supporting, respecting, and obeying them, we should guide our parents and family members in learning Buddhist teachings. We should let them know it is only due to causal conditions that we can be together in this world and in this lifetime. Each individual will reincarnate according to his own good and evil karma. Understanding this, we realize that nothing is eternal. We can take no material possessions with us after we die. We will continue to reincarnate for a very long time if we do not achieve emancipation. Through sharing these truths with them, the worldview of our family members will change.
如何讓做子女的我們達到圓滿的孝道呢?就是除了在父母還沒有往生的時候, 盡到孝養、孝敬、孝順外, 進一步以各種方法來引導父母、親人學佛。讓親人曉得這世間的一切不過是一時因緣和合而已,每個人都隨各人的善業、惡業而流轉、投胎轉世,所以它不是永恆不變的。死後也並不是一無所有, 沒有解脫還要繼續輪迴, 它的時間很漫長。要讓親人了解這個道理,那麼親人的世界觀就不一樣了。
Namo Amituofo!