Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 20 2021

Jul 20, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

In the very beginning of the Great Learning, it says, “The way of ultimate wisdom is the comprehension of absolute integrity, genial development of the common people, and endless pursuit of the perfection of humanity.” The Great Learning is, of course, a book that explains how to become a sage and sacred person, and the ways to administer the country / nation in peace.
From the Buddhist point of view, the comprehension of absolute integrity originates in the innate Buddha-Nature that all sentient beings possess, and the wisdom to understand the absolute integrity that resides in the Buddha-Nature that is no-birth and no-death, and in the state of purity and Nirvana. We should not strive to only enlighten ourselves; but, also to enlighten others – “genial development of the common people”. That means, through awakening the innate Buddha-Nature in all sentient beings, we will be able to live with new life.
When a person can perfectly enlighten himself through enlightening other people, that is the meaning of “endless pursuit of the perfection of humanity. “ “Endless pursuit of the perfection of humanity” in our School is shared through “Amitabha-recitation with Proper Faith.”


Namo Amituofo!

July 19 2021

Jul 19, 2021
An excerpt from ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’ by Master Shandao

Question: Why are we not asked to practice contemplation; but, instructed to exclusively recite the Name? What is the meaning of this?
Answer: It is because sentient beings bear heavy karmic obstructions and their minds are too coarse to see the fine scenes and phenomena in the Pure Land. Because our mental focus is wavering and unsteady, it is too difficult to achieve any results in contemplation. With great compassion the great sage (Shakyamuni Buddha) directly advises us to exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name. He does this because of the easiness of Name-recitation. Those who exclusively recite Namo Amitabha Buddha are assured of rebirth in this lifetime.


Namo Amituofo!

July 18 2021

Jul 18, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education for Living

Children’s eyes are bright and clear. Their eyes capture all of the behaviors of their parents in the threefold karma of their minds, like a camera. So, they see and remember what their parents do as they mature.
Confucius says, “If a person is proper in conduct, people will follow him without being ordered. However, if improper, people will not follow even when ordered. “
Confucius also says, “When a teacher sets himself as a role model, how dare the students not follow.” If we conduct ourselves properly, we will naturally influence others. This means that teaching others through our deeds is worth more than what we only talk about. So, it is more important for us to teach our children by being good role models.

孔子說:「其身正,不令而行,其身不正,雖令不從」,又說:「子率以正, 孰敢不正。」我們如做得端正的話,自自然然會影響他人,這就是「身教重於言教」,所以在教養子女方面,以身作則是比較重要的。

Namo Amituofo!

July 17 2021

Jul 17, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “entirely dependent on the Buddha’s power” (analogy of sailing on board)

Among Buddhist teachings, there are an immeasurable number of paths, such as the Great Vehicle and Small Vehicle, and the Expedient and Real Teachings. In all of the teachings, a practitioner is required to cut off greed, hatred and delusion through the precepts, meditation and wisdom. In so doing they are completely purified, in order to be liberated from the cycle of birth-and-death.
For most of us, this is as difficult as ascending to heaven, and is beyond the capacity of mundane people like us to fulfil. However, if we truly believe and earnestly aspire to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land, and recite Amitabha’s Name, we can be reborn with recourse to Amitabha’s compassionate power, despite our lack of capacity and meritorious virtues.
In the analogy of sailing on a ship to cross the sea of suffering, in order to reach the other shore of the Pure Land, we must want to board the ship and realize we are powerless to reach the shore without it. This is because it is the power of the ship, not ours, that makes it all possible. It is the same for rebirth in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation with faith and aspiration. All of it is entirely dependent on the Buddha’s power.

若以真信切願、念佛求生西方,則無論功夫深淺、功德大小,皆可仗佛慈力, 往生西方。

Namo Amituofo!

July 16 2021

Jul 16, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

There is an ancient pier in the vast sea of the Six Realms,
Where Amitabha’s compassionate ship docks on the shore of the sea of suffering.
When we make the decision to board that ship and set sail to reach the other shore.
We will end our entrapment in the cycle of birth-and-death on the Jambudvipa world (the Earth).
The Great Vow is Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow,
That delivers sentient beings upon the ship of his vow.
By exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name, we will achieve the state of non-retrogression,
We will transcend and traverse the Ten Grounds and the Three Benevolences.


Namo Amituofo!

July 15 2021

Jul 15, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – Nagarjuna Bodhisattva

It is our great source of joy that Amitabha: set forth vows for us, cultivated for us, built the Land of Bliss for us, and accomplished all of the merit and virtues necessary for our rebirth. He then dedicated all of those gifts to all sentient beings in the ten directions. Those who understand this point should reverently and gratefully hold fast to reciting Amitabha Buddha’s Name.


Namo Amituofo!

July 14 2021

Jul 14, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Treatise on Rebirth – It was written by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva. It is also known as the Gatha of Rebirth, the Upadesa of the Infinite Life Sutra, the Commentary on the Pure Land, and the Commentary on the Infinite Life Sutra.
The book is composed of two parts, one is the Gathas and the other is the narratives. The Gathas are mainly based on the Infinite Life Sutra and also cover the principal meanings of the Three Pure Land Sutras.
The objective of the Treatise is to unfold the practices of Amitabha-invocation, prostration, praise, perception, aspiration, and dedication, and to advise and urge all sentient beings to be reborn in Amitabha’s Buddha-land together.

《往生論》- 天親菩薩所造,全稱《無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈》,又稱《淨土論》,或 《無量壽經論》。

Namo Amituofo!

July 13 2021

Jul 13, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Master Shoku was one of the leading disciples of Master Honen, who developed the dogma of “aptitude and teaching are one entity (body)”. Aptitude refers to sentient beings who recite Amitabha’s Name, and teaching refers to Amitabha Buddha. We are Amitabha-reciters who become one with Amitabha Buddha.
“one-body not apart” and “one-body in non-duality” are a bit different. For example, the whole sandwich is one body; however, it is a body formed by slices of food one on top of the other, so it is known as “one-body not apart”. However, with respect to “one-body in non-duality”, it is just like the way water and milk are miscible and can form one body when mixed together.
However, water and oil are immiscible, and do not form one body. This is because water remains at the bottom and oil at the top in two layers. The three karmas, though separate, are not apart. Thus, sentient beings’ karma and Amitabha Buddha’s karma are intimate- not apart.


Namo Amituofo!

July 12 2021

Jul 12, 2021
An excerpt from ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’ by Master Shandao

Deep Mind is genuine faith. We know we are ordinary beings full of afflictions, with no fertile roots of virtues. This causes us to reincarnate within the Three Domains and makes us unable to leave this burning house. However, we now believe in and accept Amitabha’s Great Fundamental Vow, which teaches us that, by reciting his Name ten times or even once, our rebirth is assured. For these reasons it is called the Deep Mind.

「深心」:即是真實信心:信知自身是具足煩惱凡夫,善根薄少, 流轉三界,不出火宅;今信知彌陀本弘誓願,及稱名號,下至十聲、 一聲等,定得往生;乃至一念無有疑心,故名深心。

Namo Amituofo!

July 11 2021

Jul 11, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education of Living

Husbands and wives love each other and become entangled. This is unavoidable and normal. However, no matter how we remember and worry about the other person, it does not help. They inevitably obstruct each other. If they can open their minds to learning Buddhism and reciting the Buddha’s Name, they will both be benefitted.


Namo Amituofo!

July 10 2021

Jul 10, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching offering Advice on Practicing the Particular Teaching and Discarding Self-Power

We should know that Buddha-power is inconceivable. It cannot be compared with the power of cultivation of ordinary beings, who are entangled with afflictions. Buddha-power enables the clearing of all delusions and doubts in the minds of ordinary beings.
In the era of the Buddha’s teaching the Pure Land teaching is unique, as its practice in cultivation and realization in terms of cause and fruition is different. The “apple” of the Pure Land teaching cannot be compared with the “apple” of the teachings of the General Path.


Namo Amituofo!

July 9 2021

Jul 9, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching offering the Advice of Practicing the Particular Teaching and Discarding Self-Power

Many masters, who have been following the General Teachings, base their comments on the Pure Land teaching on those General Teachings. Through these mistakes they deprived themselves and misled other people. Many of them also say that they propagate this Dharma to benefit people.
They have made an initial mistake by not becoming aware of the differences in greatness and smallness, and the level of difficulty and easiness between Buddha-power and self-power paths. They forcefully twist the Pure Land teachings, by equating the teachings of reliance on self-power with the teaching of reliance on Buddha-power, in order to balance and harmonize them. This is a profound mistake.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

Friday, July 9, 2021

July 8 2021

Jul 8, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

Rebirth of Ordinary Beings in the Pure Land’s Realm of Rewards,
Name-Recitation in accord with the Fundamental Vow,
Complying with the teaching and accommodating the aptitudes [of sentient beings],
Comprehensively delivering a multitude of unenlightened beings.

The de facto patriarch‘s merit,
Illuminating the past and the present with resplendent light,
Extends until the Dharma-Ending Age.
In this way, more people can awaken and rely on the light.


Namo Amituofo!

July 7 2021

Jul 7, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – Nagarjuna Bodhisattva

In the Chapter on the Easy Path, Nagarjuna Bodhisattva praises Amitabha Buddha in 32 verses. Among these verses, there is one that states “assured of non-retrogression”, it reads as follows:
“If a person can remember this Buddha, he will attain immeasurable merit, virtues, and power, and instantly enter the state of assurance (non-retrogression). That is why I always recite Amitabha’s Name.”
It is also the same as “If a person thinks of me, he will return to me through reciting my Name, and instantly enter the state of assurance.” So long as we exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, which contains immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable, and awesome merit and virtues. These are the reasons why Nagarjuna Bodhisattva always remembers and recites Amitabha Buddha’s Name, and advises us to do the same.


Namo Amituofo!

July 6 2021

Jul 6, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Amitabha Sutra spoken by the Buddha - It is one of the three principal Sutras of the Pure Land School. Its shortened names are the Amitabha Sutra and the Smaller Sutra.
This Sutra was spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha without being requested by anyone. The Buddha pro-actively taught this Sutra with Sariputra being the principal audience. So, it is also known as the Sutra Spoken at His Own Discretion, Without Being Asked”. This Sutra is the most concise and precise among the three Pure Land Sutras.
The main theme of this Sutra is: Shakyamuni Buddha praises and extols various adornments of the Land of Bliss, instructs us and urges all ordinary beings to exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name with singleness of mind, for one to 7 days. In this way they are assured of rebirth. This fact is also unanimously praised, urged, and endorsed by all Buddhas of the ten directions.

《佛說阿彌陀經》- 淨土宗三部正依經典之一。簡稱《阿彌陀經》《小經》。本經是世尊在無人請問的情形下,以舍利弗尊者為對告眾,主動宣說,故稱「無問自說」之經。在淨土三部經中最為簡明扼要。本經主題是:釋迦讚歎極樂種種莊嚴,指勸一切凡夫,一日七日,一心專念彌陀名號,定得往生。十方諸佛悉皆同讚、同勸、同證。

Namo Amituofo!

July 5 2021

Jul 5, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

An Amitabha-reciter and the Buddha are always together, even when walking in and out, because they are one inseparable entity, part of the same body.
Master Shandao says, “The threefold karma of each being is not separate. The Contemplation Sutra says, the Buddha enters my heart and I enter the Buddha’s heart (metaphorically speaking). For this reason, an Amitabha-reciter views Amitabha-recitation as his life, his human life and his eternal life.


Namo Amituofo!

July 4 2021

Jul 4, 2021
An excerpt from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

Humans, celestial beings, wholesome, and unwholesome beings, all shall be reborn. In the Pure Land nothing separates them. They all walk the irreversible path to Buddhahood.
Why is this so? It is because Amitabha Buddha, while he was still in the causal ground, gave up becoming a king, and left home to practice the Dharma. With his wisdom and compassion, he made 48 vows before Lokeshvararaja Tathagata.
With recourse to Amitabha’s vow power, even those who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions and the Ten Unwholesome Deeds, can still be reborn with all of their offenses eradicated. Those who slander the Dharma and those who have no roots of virtues can also be reborn, as long as they aspire to rebirth.

何意然者?乃由彌陀因地,世饒王佛所,捨位出家,即起悲智之心, 廣弘四十八願。

Namo Amituofo!

July 3 2021

Jul 3, 2021
An excerpt from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

Only a Buddha knows the realm of all Buddhas. The essence of a Buddhaland cannot be conceived by ordinary beings. Buddhas manifest their threefold bodies and their own pure lands for the purpose of delivering sentient beings. There is no difference with respect to the substance of their teachings and no difference between their pure lands, as all are made available to those who wish to come for enlightenment.
However, ordinary beings have confused thoughts, and they have no grounds for entrusting or settlement. In this respect, Shakyamuni Buddha and other buddhas do not cease being compassionate. They all point to the Land of Bliss, about ten thousand billion Buddha-lands to the West of us.
The name of the Buddha of that land is Amitabha. He teaches the Dharma there every day. That land is pure and adorned with four kinds of virtues. There is absolutely no unkind speech, no discrimination, no suffering, and no afflictions, as all inhabitants are equal.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

July 2 2021

Jul 2, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education for Living

Usually, we need to diligently perform good deeds. If karmic rewards come, a person can gratefully enjoy them. However, sometimes the karmic reward may be obstructed by bad karma from the past and the karmic reward cannot be realized.
So, if your child will be taking an examination at school, you should recite Amitabha’s Name in advance, and try to accumulate more virtues through practices in daily life, in order to eliminate enemies and debtors who may be seeking compensation.


Namo Amituofo!

July 1 2021

Jul 1, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about the Fruition of Enlightenment and the cause of Mental - Aspiration (without mixing other Buddhist teachings)

The Pure Land teaching’s greatness has no limit. All phenomena are the noumenon (Amitabha’s Body) itself. All cultivation practices (Amitabha-recitation) are the revelation of self-nature.
The practice is extremely common and simple; but, the benefits are infinitely splendid and wonderful. This is because the practitioner takes the Buddha’s Enlightenment to be one with his Bodhi Mind in the causal ground. In this way, he attains the cause that envelops all merit and virtues like an ocean, and also attains the reward of fruition that can thoroughly penetrate the source of all of the causes of his karmic offenses.


Namo Amituofo!

June 30 2021

Jun 30, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

The awesome power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow
Comprehensively delivers various sentient beings of the ten directions.
Whoever wishes to be reborn through the practice of Amitabha-recitation, 
Will naturally be received by Amitabha and a multitude of sacred beings at the near end-of-life.


Namo Amituofo!

June 29 2021

Jun 29, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – Nagarjuna Bodhisattva

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva interprets “even ten times” as “name-recitation”, as he says “think of me by reciting my Name”. He even discards “entrust in me sincerely and joyfully”, and uses “name-recitation” to cover the meaning of both “entrust in me sincerely and joyfully” and “even ten times”. This means we are “to interpret faith as practice” as said in the 18th Vow. Why? It is because faith, as mentioned in the 18th Vow, is to believe in attaining assured rebirth through Amitabha-recitation “even ten times”.


Namo Amituofo!

June 28 2021

Jun 28, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Sutra of Contemplation of Infinite Life Spoken by the Buddha – 
It is one of the three sutras that serve as the main canon of the Pure Land School. It is also known as “The Contemplation of Infinite Life”, or “The Contemplation Sutra”. Master Shandao made a commentary on this sutra and called it “The Infinite Life Contemplation Sutra”.
This Sutra consists of one fascicle, but it is spoken twice - first in the palace, and repeated at Vulture Peak. In the palace in Rajagriha, Shakyamuni Buddha expounds the teaching of 13 contemplations as meditative virtues, in order for Ananda and Vaidehi to perceive the splendid scenes of the Land of Bliss. He also expounds the teaching on the non-meditative virtues of the Three Meritorious Deeds and Nine Levels of Rebirth for them. They are required to dedicate these merits and virtues and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This was the first Dharma assembly in the palace.
When Ananda returned to Vulture Peak from the palace, he repeated, in the presence of the Buddha, the teachings expounded in the palace to the assembly, which included a multitude of heavenly and sacred beings headed by Manjusri. 
The core teaching of this Sutra is: To speak of the meditative and non-meditative virtues in order to comprehensively embrace all people of different aptitudes, and convince them to return to Amitabha-recitation in order to achieve rebirth in the Land of Bliss.

《佛說觀無量壽佛經》 - 
本經一卷,含王宮與耆闍兩次說法。世尊在王舍城王宮之內,為韋提希及阿難等宣說定心觀想極樂勝境的十三定觀(定善),以及散心修諸善的三福九品(散善),迴向願生極樂世界,為「王宮會」。阿難從王宮返耆闍崛山, 世尊在座,對文殊等一切人天凡聖,復述王宮所說之法門,稱「耆闍會」。

Namo Amituofo!

June 27 2021

Jun 27, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Through being an Amitabha-reciter, Amitabha Buddha is always in his mind, and he is always in Amitabha’s mind. Whenever, wherever, and whatever he does, Amitabha Buddha is always there with him.
Though we are not capable of practicing non-meditative virtues, and we have scorching afflictions, heavy deep karmic obstructions, and plentiful false and miscellaneous thoughts, we are always in one body with Amitabha Buddha as long as we exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name.


Namo Amituofo!

June 26 2021

Jun 26, 2021
An excerpt from the ‘Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation’ by Master Shandao

All past buddhas who uphold the Samadhi of Amitabha-Recitation, supplemented with the Four Matters, rejoice in achieving Buddhahood. The present buddhas in the ten directions also contemplate the Samadhi of Amitabha-recitation as their upholding practice, supplemented with the Four Matters, and rejoice in cultivating Buddhahood. The future buddhas also uphold the Samadhi of Amitabha-Recitation, supplemented with the Four Matters, and rejoice in cultivating Buddhahood.

過去諸佛,持是念阿彌陀佛三昧,四事助歡喜,皆得成佛。 現在十方諸佛,亦持是念佛三昧,四事助歡喜,皆得作佛。 未來諸佛,亦持是念佛三昧,四事助歡喜,皆得作佛。

Namo Amituofo!

June 25 2021

Jun 25, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education for Living

Generally speaking, filial love can be divided into three grades from the Buddhist point of view:
The first grade is the basic one. It is our responsibility to love parents and ancestors, so that they don’t need to worry about being able to live their daily lives. Also, we should listen to them, and satisfy their wishes. We should respect and love our parents. It is the most basic way to be dutiful sons and daughters.
The second grade of filial love is to glorify our ancestors through our conduct, virtue, and merit in the community. This kind of filial love is very important in the human world, and through it parents will not be ashamed of how they brought up their children.
However, as far as the Buddhist teachings are concerned, all of human life is viewed from the perspective of cause and effect in the three periods of time, reward/retribution for good and bad karma, and reincarnation within the Six Realms. So, whether a person has filial love or not, the first two grades are not regarded as true filial love from the Buddhist point of view.
We must allow our parents and ancestors to thoroughly leave the cycle of birth-and-death within the Six Realms. This is truly a kind of “great filial love”. The former two kinds of filial love are known as “small filial love” and “medium filial love”, as they are imperfect and incomplete.


Namo Amituofo!

June 24 2021

Jun 24, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching Advising us to Practice the Particular Teaching and Discard Self-Power

The path of Self-power is called the General or Common Path.
The path of Buddha-power is called the Particular or Special Path.
Thus, discard self-power and emphasize Buddha-power, in the hope that sentient beings in the Saha World, with all kinds of delusive karma, are assured of going to the Lotus Pond together in the present lifetime.


Namo Amituofo!