Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 18 2021

Jul 18, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Education for Living

Children’s eyes are bright and clear. Their eyes capture all of the behaviors of their parents in the threefold karma of their minds, like a camera. So, they see and remember what their parents do as they mature.
Confucius says, “If a person is proper in conduct, people will follow him without being ordered. However, if improper, people will not follow even when ordered. “
Confucius also says, “When a teacher sets himself as a role model, how dare the students not follow.” If we conduct ourselves properly, we will naturally influence others. This means that teaching others through our deeds is worth more than what we only talk about. So, it is more important for us to teach our children by being good role models.

孔子說:「其身正,不令而行,其身不正,雖令不從」,又說:「子率以正, 孰敢不正。」我們如做得端正的話,自自然然會影響他人,這就是「身教重於言教」,所以在教養子女方面,以身作則是比較重要的。

Namo Amituofo!