Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism
“The Text about the Pure Land, written by Householder Longshu,” is from a book written by Householder Wang Ri-Xiu, and is the product of his entire life’s work. In this book he used various kinds of analogies and expedient teachings to address different classes of people. His objective was to guide them to study, accept, and happily understand that the Pure Land teaching is the only teaching they can rely on.
Moreover, the teachings introduced in this book are supported by facts and through classical stories.
《龍舒淨土文》這一本書是王日休居士的畢生力作,書中引用種種方便善巧, 對每一階層的人,上至王公大臣,下至一般販夫走卒,都有善巧方便的引導文來引導他們進入淨土法門,讓他們能夠心開意解的覺得:唉!必須要學淨土,淨土才是他們所可依靠的。
Namo Amituofo!