Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 27 2021

Sep 27, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

We need to have a basic concept of dedication. That is, to rely on Amitabha’s free will, and do not care whether our own wishes can be fulfilled through dedication. As Householder Chan Hoi Liang said, “just promise and fulfill if possible.”
It is because we do not know our karmic conditions from past lives, and do not know what arrangement is best for us at present. So, we sincerely recite Amitabha’s Name, dedicate, and leave the rest to Amitabha.


Namo Amituofo!

September 26 2021

Sep 26, 2021
A verse saying “Amitabha-recitation is unsurpassed” from “In Praise of Dharma Practice” by Master Shandao

The Tathagata incarnates himself in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity,
For the sake of delivering sentient beings through his expedient teachings according to circumstances,
Sentient beings may be liberated by hearing many of his discourses, or 
By hearing few; but, concentrating on attaining the Three Insights.
By cultivating wisdom and merits to eradicate the two karmic barriers, or
By engaging in practices of meditation and contemplation.
All the teachings will lead to emancipation,
However, none of them is better than the teaching of rebirth in the West through Amitabha-recitation,
Recite the Buddha-Name for a lifetime, as few as ten times, or
Even three or five times; and, upon your death the Buddha will come to receive you.
It is because Amitabha’s vows are so powerful and all encompassing,
That they enable ordinary beings to attain rebirth immediately through Amitabha-recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

September 25 2021

Sep 25, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the General Principles in the Classification of Teachings
淨宗判教 - 總顯其義

Ever since the Pure Land Teachings arrived in China there were many different understandings of what constituted the correct path. This can be seen in the demarcations of the teachings and the discussions about the sutras. There are many comments and arguments. As a result, there is a general opinion / conception / idea that, though ordinary beings can be reborn, they have to undergo various levels and grades of rebirth. Through this process of cultivation for a certain period of time, they reach a higher stage of fruition.
This approach to the Pure Land teachings does not comply with the principles of Pure Land Buddhism. It is made from the standpoint of other schools. Clearly, it is important to have a proper Pure Land School. If there is no Pure Land School, the understanding of the teachings will be unclear and confusing. Conversely, if a school is established, it must be very clear in the demarcation of the teachings, their explanations, and the lineage.


Namo Amituofo!

September 24 2021

Sep 24, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “the most important abstinence in the Pure Land School” (Not defying the Buddha’s power)

People who are arrogant always brag about their power conceitedly and look down upon the Buddha’s power.
These people do not understand that, from the day they are born until the day they die, everything is related to reliance on the efforts of other people. Unfortunately, they do not feel ashamed for this.
Even when it comes to the matter of birth and death, they are not willing to accept the Buddha’s power! These are people who have truly lost their minds. Remember, all practitioners of the Pure Land School should refrain from this incorrect attitude.

不知從生至死,無一事不仗 人力,而不以為恥。

Namo Amituofo!

September 23 2021

Sep 23, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

The Buddha favors correctness and kindness, and takes pity on deviance and evilness. It is similar to parents and their kids. Although they treat them equally, they pay more attention to and pity those who are handicapped. It is the same with Amitabha. He likes people to practice kindness and not hurt others. Though Amitabha delivers both kind and evil people, he is happier to see a kind person, and is sad to see an evil person. Thus, we should be a kind person and recite Amitabha’s Name for our whole lives.


Namo Amituofo!

September 22 2021

Sep 22, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Among the 48 vows, each vow carries the connotation of the 18th Vow, because each vow can inspire sentient beings to admire and aspire to the Land of Bliss. In the Land of Bliss, the Three Wretched Realms do not exist; all sentient beings attain the six paranormal powers, dwell in the stage of non-retrogression, and expedite the achievement of Buddhahood. They can then set forth the great Bodhi Mind to abundantly deliver sentient beings of the ten directions. When they admire each of the 48 vows, they will aspire to be born in the Land of Bliss, and recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth. So, we see how each vow can guide us to be reborn in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

September 21 2021

Sep 21, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Settled Mind (continued)
• We can be reborn in one of the Pure Lands of the ten directions, or the Western Pure Land. We rest our minds on the Western Pure Land;
• Among the practices toward rebirth, there are the myriad virtuous practices and there is recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s Name. We set our minds on Amitabha-recitation;
• In Amitabha-recitation, there is the kind that relies on the power of Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow and the sort that depends on the power of self-cultivation. We settle our minds in reliance on the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow.
To sum up, we rest our minds on the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha according to his Fundamental Vow, consistently reciting his Name and aspiring to rebirth in his Pure Land. In other words we “have faith in, and accept Amitabha’s deliverance; recite Amitabha’s Name single-mindedly; and aspire to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land.” This settles the minds of Pure Land practitioners, putting them at ease.

安心 (續)

Namo Amituofo!

September 20 2021

Sep 20, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Settled Mind - is the psychological state of Pure Land practitioners. “Settled” means to be at ease, to be anchored in contentment. “Mind” refers to thoughts, or mental conditions. To “settle the mind” is to anchor our minds in a secure place.
There are many levels of settling the mind:
• Among all things, there are the wholesome and the unwholesome. We rest our minds on the wholesome;
• Among wholesome things, there is worldly good and extra-worldly good. We fix our minds on extra-worldly good;
• Among extra-worldly virtues, there is the Greater Vehicle and the Lesser Vehicle. We secure our minds in the Greater Vehicle (Mahayana);
• Within the Greater Vehicle, there is non-retrogression in the defiled realm and non-retrogression in a Pure Land. We settle our minds on non-retrogression in a Pure Land;
(to be continued tomorrow)

安心 - 安心,為淨業行人持心之相狀。「安」是安放、安住,「心」即心念,「安心」即是將心念安住一處。

Namo Amituofo!

September 19 2021

Sep 19, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

The merit dedication of Amitabha-recitation practice is equal, without any mental discrimination. It is not necessary to dedicate to our enemies and debtors first, and then dedicate to other sentient beings in the Dharma Realms. There is no priority in dedication like those unequal practices; so, we should dedicate and give equally to all sentient beings.
Will the merit and virtues be diminished or eliminated if we dedicate equally to all? NO! It is just like turning on the light in a room. If there is no light in the next room, we can open the door or window to allow light to pass to the other room. Will the light in our room be reduced? No!



Namo Amituofo!

September 18 2021

Sep 18, 2021
A verse about ‘seeking only Amitabha-reciters’ from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

Each of the light beams illuminates continuously,
Only seeking and illuminating those who recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth.
If you wish to compare it with all other Buddha-lands in the ten directions,
The Land of Bliss is actually the best for final settlement.


Namo Amituofo!

September 17 2021

Sep 17, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching explaining the Most Important Point in Pure Land Teaching (Self-power cannot be compared with the Buddha’s power)
印光大師 「淨土最要」之文(佛力自力非比)

Pure Land teaching far surpasses all other teachings because it relies on the Buddha’s power, while the other teachings solely rely on self-power. How can we compare self-power with the Buddha’s power? This is the most important point to understand in the cultivation of Pure Land teaching.


Namo Amituofo!

September 16 2021

Sep 16, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

The teaching of Amitabha-recitation is a crucial part of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow of deliverance. It is also the original intent of Shakyamuni’s appearance in the world, and the purpose of our life after birth. If we can aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, all three - Amitabha, Shakyamuni and our minds are aligned. The Buddha’s mind and heart and sentient beings’ minds and hearts are aligned. The vows of the Buddhas and the vows of sentient beings are aligned, a perfect match.


Namo Amituofo!

September 15 2021

Sep 15, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Accepting the 18th Vow, the vow of rebirth through Amitabha-recitation, as the king of all causal vows is the foundation of the complete Pure Land School. It is also the core teaching among the 48 vows. Hence, we know that, generally speaking, the 18th Vow is the king of the 48 vows; and in particular, the 18th Vow is the fundamental vow among the 48 vows.


Namo Amituofo!

September 14 2021

Sep 14, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

De facto founder – means the patriarch who founded and synthesized a school. Since Buddhism was brought to China various schools were established, particularly during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Basically, all of the de facto founders of the various schools in China, lived during the Sui and Tang dynasties. This would refer to Master Zhizhe, the de facto founder of Tientai School, and Master Shandao, the de facto founder of the Pure Land School.
When establishing a school let’s use the analogy of building a grand mansion. First, we have to clear and level the land, and build a strong foundation. Then we construct columns on top of the foundation, and complete the entire building. Next we have to do the internal finishing, add fixtures and furniture, and make it convenient and comfortable for living. The first patriarch is the one who clears and levels the land, and the de facto founder is the one who completes the rest of the work. The two of them should not be compared in terms of their contributions and status.

宗祖 - 一宗之開宗祖師稱「宗祖」,是一宗的實際創立者、集大成者。佛教從印度傳入中國,至隋唐時期中國佛教各宗成立,故各宗宗祖皆為隋唐時代的中國境內祖師。如天臺宗宗祖為智者大師,淨土宗的宗祖是善導大師。

Namo Amituofo!

September 13 2021

Sep 13, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Aspiration and dedication have two tiers of meaning, one is interpreted from the point of view of Amitabha Buddha, and the other is interpreted from the point of view of sentient beings who aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
To interpret from the point of view of Amitabha Buddha means, Amitabha Buddha makes vows and dedicates [merit] to us. From our point of view means, we set forth the mind of accepting Amitabha’s deliverance and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. It also means we redirect our minds toward the Land of Bliss, exclusively focus on the Land of Bliss, and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. These comprise our aspiration and dedication.
In regard to our aspiration and dedication, we do not dedicate our merit and virtues to the Land of Bliss; but, direct our minds toward the Land of Bliss, receive and accept Amitabha’s merit and virtues.


Namo Amituofo!

Monday, September 13, 2021

September 12 2021

Sep 12, 2021
A verse about ‘seeking only Amitabha-reciters’ from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

Amitabha has 84,000 splendid forms, each of them is contained in his light, shining throughout all the worlds in the ten directions.
The light does not shine on those practicing under miscellaneous circumstances; but, seeks only those who recite Amitabha’s Name for rebirth.


Namo Amituofo!

September 11 2021

Sep 11, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “Two Kinds of Deep Faith” (The natural accomplishment of rebirth through reliance on the Buddha’s power)
印光大師 「兩種深信」之文(佛力自然成辦)

We must believe we are ordinary beings bound by karmic forces, and it is definitely impossible for us to cut off delusions and realize the necessary truths, in order to liberate ourselves from birth and death by relying on our own power. We must have faith in Amitabha Buddha who accomplishes the Great Vow.
If living beings who recite the Buddha’s Name seek to attain rebirth in the Buddha-land, Amitabha Buddha will assuredly bestow upon them his kindness, and come to receive them, near the end of their lives, to be born in the Western Land.

Namo Amituofo!

September 10 2021

Sep 10, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

To rejoice in faith, attain birth immediately, dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression, to be embraced by light without forsaking all the way through, and immediately enter the Reward Land upon our last breath.
Amitabha-reciters live within Amitabha’s light every day; so, there is no difference when they live in Amitabha’s land of light.


Namo Amituofo!

September 9 2021

Sep 9, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

If there were no 18th Vow, though we learn and practice Buddhism, we would have no way to escape from reincarnation within the Six Realms, especially the Three Wretched Realms. Only the 18th Vow is the saviour that revitalizes our Buddha-nature. It equates to our life, or even transcends our life.
We live and sacrifice for the 18th Vow. All Amitabha-reciters should understand and pay attention to the 18th Vow. We should also view it as our life, and treasure it as our saviour.


Namo Amituofo!

September 8 2021

Sep 8, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The First Patriarch – the earliest patriarch, who is related to the school or sect, is called the first patriarch, and provides the foundation upon which the school is established. Among the first patriarchs of the Buddhist schools in China, Master Huiyuan of Mount Lu during the Eastern Jin dynasty was the first patriarch of the Pure Land School. Tracing Buddhism back to India, Nagarjuna Bodhisattva was the first patriarch of the Tientai School. He was born 700 years after the Buddha entered Nirvana.

初祖 - 與宗派淵源關係最早的祖師為「初祖」,是一宗創立的基礎。佛教宗派中的初祖有的為中國祖師,如淨土宗以東晉時代廬山慧遠大師為初祖;有的更加上溯至印度佛教,如天臺宗以佛滅後七百年出世之印度龍樹菩薩為初祖。

Namo Amituofo!

September 7 2021

Sep 7, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Direct straightforward dedication simply requires exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name and aspiration to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land. It does not require accumulating any other merit and virtues to return to the Land of Bliss.
Name-recitation is the cause and rebirth is the effect. Through such a cause, there naturally comes the respective effect. So, taking refuge by reciting the Name, naturally includes dedication and aspiration within it.
Thus, Master Shandao says there is a threefold connotation of “Namo” – taking refuge, dedicating, and aspiring. In comparing the three connotations, taking refuge is the main one, because taking refuge naturally implies the mind of dedication and aspiration.


Namo Amituofo!

September 6 2021

Sep 6, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

There are two kinds of dedication: dedication mixed with other virtues and dedication that is direct and straightforward. Dedication mixed with other virtues means to cultivate various merits and virtues attained through one’s own efforts, and dedicate them to Amitabha Buddha, in order to be received by him. If he does not have any merit attained through virtuous practices, he will have nothing to dedicate.
Thus, his status is not like those who attain rebirth by exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name even ten times, as said in the 18th Vow.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

September 5 2021

Sep 5 2021
A verse about ‘Embraced by Light during Amitabha-recitation’ from ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’ by Master Shandao

The body of Amitabha is like a golden mountain.
His splendid marks in the form of light shine over all the worlds in the ten directions.
Only those who recite the name of Amitabha Buddha are embraced by his light.
One should know [Amitabha’s] Fundamental Vow is most powerful.

彌陀身色如金山,相好光明照十方; 唯有念佛蒙光攝,當知本願最為強。

Namo Amituofo!

September 4 2021

Sep 4, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “Two Kinds of Deep Faith” (The natural accomplishment of rebirth through reliance on the Buddha’s power)
印光大師 「兩種深信」之文(佛力自然成辦)

All of us should think about this: If we rely on our own power in cultivation, what kind of power do we have? We only have the power of karmic force.
That is why, throughout millions of eons and thousands of lifetimes, it is difficult for us to attain liberation.
However, if we rely on the power of Amitabha Buddha’s Great Vow, we will naturally accomplish liberation in this life.


Namo Amituofo!

September 3 2021

Sep 3, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

During leisure time, Amitabha-recitation still matters. Just let go of all false thoughts that dart to and fro. Within each thought in faith, a kind of decent taste comes naturally.


Namo Amituofo!

September 2 2021

Sep 2, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

The guiding principle of our teaching is rebirth in the Land of Bliss through Amitabha-recitation. Therefore, we need to accept the 18th Vow as fundamental. If we don’t accept the 18th Vow, and do not follow the explanation of the Shandao lineage, it is not the pristine Pure Land teaching.
We say this because there are many methods for attaining rebirth: Buddha-invocation by Real Mark. Buddha-invocation by contemplation, Buddha-invocation by perceiving Buddha’s image, and Buddha-invocation by name-recitation. Moreover, there are different interpretations and connotations of name-recitation.
Only the interpretation of the Shandao lineage follows the lifeline teaching of Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Tanluan, and Daochuo, and completely matches the 18th Vow.


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 1 2021

Sep 1, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Commentaries Explaining Lineages – a lineage is like a bloodline. It refers to the teaching of a school or sect that is inherited from and transmitted through its lineage. It is very much like inheriting genetic traits from one’s parents and ancestors.
It is the same source, same substance, all the same throughout. “Commentaries” are written by Bodhisattvas. Exegeses are explanations written by the patriarchs. Both of them explain the Sutras. There are two kinds of lineages, one is “the lineage through a person.” It follows the “genealogy” of the patriarchs in a lineage. The other is “the lineage through the Dharma.” It follows the commentaries of the patriarchs in a lineage. A person is the one who transmits the teaching, and the teaching is to be unfolded by persons. So, the two are inseparable.
The inauguration of the Pure Land School is based on the commentaries and exegeses written by the five patriarchs: Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu in India, and Tanluan, Daochuo and Shandao in China. The genealogy of the 13 patriarchs of the Pure Land School in China, though commonly known, was formulated with reference to the performance and morality of the respective patriarchs. So, they lack “the lineage by Dharma” in terms of the teaching.

相承論釋 - 「相承」又稱法脈相承,指一宗一派教法的遞相承接,如生命體之血脈運行,同源,同質,始終一貫。

Namo Amituofo!

August 31 2021

Aug 31, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

The six characters “Na-Mo-A-Mi-Tuo-Fo” contain the threefold meaning of: taking refuge, merit-dedication, and rebirth-aspiration. They also contain all of the necessary credentials for rebirth. “Namo” itself means taking refuge, having faith, merit-dedication, and aspiration for rebirth. “Amituofo is the practice of the practitioner.”
Thus, it can be said that, within the six characters faith, aspiration, and practice are fully included. All three of these have already been prepared by Amitabha Buddha for us. So, we need not prepare anything more.


Namo Amituofo!

August 30 2021

Aug 30, 2021
A verse about rebirth in the Buddha-land of Rewards through Name-recitation, quoted from "the Praise of Dharma Practice" by Master Shandao

The Land of Bliss is a realm of unconditioned nirvana;
It is hard to be reborn there by practicing assorted virtues according to circumstances. 
The Tathagata selects the key method –
He teaches us to recite Amitabha’s name with two-fold exclusivity.

極樂無為涅槃界,隨緣雜善恐難生; 故使如來選要法,教念彌陀專復專。

Namo Amituofo!

August 29 2021

Aug 29, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching explaining “No teaching, if discarded, can liberate us” (The Buddha’s power to liberate us from karmic offenses)
印光大師 「捨此無別」之文(佛力能救業力)

We ought to know there are immeasurable teachings in Buddhism. For an ordinary being bound by karmic forces who wants to be liberated from the cycle of birth-and-death immediately, if he discards this teaching of rebirth in the Western Land through the practice of Amitabha-recitation with faith and aspiration, even the Buddha will be unable to advise him of an equivalent teaching.

須知佛法,法門無量,若欲以通身業力之凡夫,現生即得了生脫死, 離此信願念佛求生西方一法,佛也說不出第二個法門了。

Namo Amituofo!

August 28 2021

Aug 28, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

A big bell can produce a huge sound. However, it produces no sound if it is not hit. Though Amitabha can absolutely deliver us, he will only do so if we accept his boundless Compassion. Just as a big bell produces a huge sound when it is hit, Amitabha’s Name enables us to attain rebirth only if we recite it.
Amitabha Buddha is everywhere throughout all time. His kindness and Compassion are unlimited, and his Wisdom is infinite. As long as we recite his Name, Amitabha will immediately appear. It is just like hitting the bell and producing the sound.


Namo Amituofo!

August 27 2021

Aug 27, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

Among the 48 vows, the words ‘should they not be born there, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment’ are found only in the 18th Vow, not in the 19th or 20th Vows.
So, the 18th Vow is the fundamental vow among the 48 vows. It is only the 18th Vow upon which the unique pristine Pure Land School is founded. It is because, without the 18th Vow, none of the sentient beings of the ten directions can be reborn. If there were no 18th Vow, there would be no Pure Land School.


Namo Amituofo!

August 26 2021

Aug 26, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra – written by Master Shandao during the Tang dynasty, is one of the scriptures upon which the Pure Land School was founded. This Commentary explains the Contemplation Sutra in detail in four fascicles. It is generally called the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra in Four Fascicles, or the Commentary on Contemplating the Buddha of Infinite Life Sutra. It is also called the Commentary that is Definitive through All time, or the Commentary that is Assured and Certified, etc.
The four fascicles that comprise the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra are: the Profound Meaning, in fascicle 1, which broadly reveals the fundamental doctrines of the Contemplation Sutra as a whole, before the Contemplation Sutra is explained in more detail in a number of following paragraphs. 
The Preface Chapter explains the preface of the Sutra. The main chapter consists of - the Meaning of the Meditative Virtues (explaining the 13 contemplations); the Meaning of the Non-Meditative Virtues(which explains the Nine Levels of Rebirth), and the manner of Dissemination.
The main objective of the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra is to open the Pure Land Dharma gate, and to correct the misinterpretations of the Contemplation Sutra. It is definitive through all time and enables practitioners of the Five Vehicles to equally enter Amitabha’s Buddha-land.

《觀經疏》- 《觀經疏》,唐善導大師著,為淨土宗開宗立教之根本教典。本疏為詳細解釋《觀經》之書,總四卷,一般稱為《觀經四帖疏》,具名《觀無量壽佛經疏》,也稱為《楷定疏》《證定疏》等。
《觀經疏》四卷分別為:《玄義分》一卷,即在隨文解釋《觀經》之前,預先從總體上揭示《觀經》一部的根本義理;《序分義》一卷,解釋序分經文之義;《定善義》一卷,解釋正宗分定善十三觀之文義;《散善義》一卷, 解釋正宗分九品及流通分之文義。

Namo Amituofo!

August 25 2021

Aug 25, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

The main points of dedication are:
1. The sincere mind – the sincere and earnest mind. Through sincerity we can contact Amitabha; sincerity is a characteristic of Amitabha. If a person is sincere, the Buddha knows and responds. “Sincerely”, as said in the 18th Vow, refers to “the sincere mind”. The phrase “sincerely dedicate and aspire to be reborn in that land” alsodescribes the sincere mind, a mind of devotion.
2. Tranquility – if we have a specific aim, or a particular target, we have to pursue it calmly and minimize our false thoughts as much as possible. It then becomes easier to connect with the Buddha, and the desired effect may arrive more quickly.


Namo Amituofo!

August 24 2021

Aug 24, 2021
A verse stating “the vow on Name-recitation alone is most intimate”, quoted from the Praise of Dharma Practice by Master Shandao

Of Amitabha’s 48 Great Vows, the vow on name-recitation alone is most intimate.
When we think of Amitabha Buddha, he thinks of us ; if we focus on Amitabha, he knows it.


Namo Amituofo!

August 23 2021

Aug 23, 2021
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching Advising the Practice of the Particular Teaching

Amitabha Buddha is the Magnificent Name with a myriad of virtues. It can act like a great furnace. Our karmic offenses, accumulated in many past lives, are like snowflake in the air.
For an ordinary being bound by karmic forces, his karma will be extinguished because of reciting the Buddha’s Name. It is just like snowflake that get too close to a burning furnace. They will disappear immediately.
Moreover, when those karmic forces are removed, all of the virtuous roots will naturally grow and splendidly flourish. So, why do we doubt our ability to attain rebirth? Why do we doubt the Buddha’s arrival to welcome us home?


Namo Amituofo!

August 22 2021

Aug 22, 2021
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

The moonlight shines equally and universally over the great land. However, when there is no dew in the grass, the moonlight cannot cast a shadow on it. The Buddha’s mind is vast and can universally save foolish ordinary beings. However, if they don’t have faith, they cannot see the Buddha.
Though the moon’s light can reach everywhere, it only dwells upon those who look at the moon with a sincere heart. Though the Buddha can save all people, he only accompanies those who think of him and recite his Name.


Namo Amituofo!