Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 14 2021

Sep 14, 2021
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

De facto founder – means the patriarch who founded and synthesized a school. Since Buddhism was brought to China various schools were established, particularly during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Basically, all of the de facto founders of the various schools in China, lived during the Sui and Tang dynasties. This would refer to Master Zhizhe, the de facto founder of Tientai School, and Master Shandao, the de facto founder of the Pure Land School.
When establishing a school let’s use the analogy of building a grand mansion. First, we have to clear and level the land, and build a strong foundation. Then we construct columns on top of the foundation, and complete the entire building. Next we have to do the internal finishing, add fixtures and furniture, and make it convenient and comfortable for living. The first patriarch is the one who clears and levels the land, and the de facto founder is the one who completes the rest of the work. The two of them should not be compared in terms of their contributions and status.

宗祖 - 一宗之開宗祖師稱「宗祖」,是一宗的實際創立者、集大成者。佛教從印度傳入中國,至隋唐時期中國佛教各宗成立,故各宗宗祖皆為隋唐時代的中國境內祖師。如天臺宗宗祖為智者大師,淨土宗的宗祖是善導大師。

Namo Amituofo!