Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26 2021

Oct 26, 2021


淨宗判教 - 總顯其義

Master Daochuo differentiated the Buddhist teachings into the Sacred Gate and thePure Land Gate. To enter the Sacred Gate, one must possess the qualities and capacities to practice sacred teachings; but, it is not necessary to have those kinds of qualities and capacities to enter the Pure Land Gate. By merely believing and accepting Amitabha’s deliverance, exclusively reciting Amitabha’s name, and aspiring to be reborn in his Pure Land, one can be reborn there and become a Buddha.

To conclude, the entirety of the Buddhist teachings can be divided into two gates - the Sacred Gate is the Difficult Path through “self-power”, which is suitable for those having the advanced aptitude to perfectly practice the Six Paramitas and many other practices. It is similar to walking along a land route that is “painful, ever changing, and takes a long time to reach your goal”. While following the Difficult Path it is common to have set backs; which make the possibility of realizing the Buddhist Way uncertain.

(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!