Saturday, October 30, 2021

October 30 2021

Oct 30, 2021


Name and body are the same, one entity - “Name” means Namo Amituofo, the six-character great Name; “body” means the body of Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha’s six-character Name and Amitabha’s Buddha-body are one. Thus, it is one as two and two as one. They are together, like two sides of a coin.

The Name is Amitabha Buddha, and Amitabha is the Name. It is just like a piece of paper with two sides. If there were no front of the sheet, there could be no back of the sheet. This is called “Name and body are the same, one entity”.

名體一如 - 「名」是指「南無阿彌陀佛」六字洪名,「體」是指阿彌陀佛本身;彌陀六字名號跟阿彌陀佛的佛體、佛身是一而二、二而一,是在一起的,是一體的兩面,所以叫作「一如」。也就是名號的本身就是阿彌陀佛的本身,而阿彌陀佛的本身也就是名號,好像一張紙,有正面,有反面,離開了正面沒有反面,離開了反面沒有正面,這叫「名體一如」。

Namo Amituofo!