Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
Deep Mind - It is a mind with deep faith. There are two dimensions to that faith: 1) with reference to the aptitude of sentient beings, and 2) with reference to the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha. This is known as the “two kinds of deep faith.”
1. Faith with reference to the aptitude of sentient beings - This is to believe deeply that we are iniquitous ordinary beings subject to endless rebirth. Since time immemorial we have died and been reincarnated, with no hope of leaving the cycle of rebirth. It is a belief in our own powerlessness to leave the cycle of birth-and-death by our own power.
2. Faith with reference to the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha - This is to believe deeply that Amitabha Buddha’s 48 Vows have been accomplished for us iniquitous ordinary beings, who otherwise would be unable to leave the cycle of rebirth. They create the powerful karma that enables us to do so. As a result, we gain assured rebirth in the Pure Land without doubt or anxiety, by depending on the power of Amitabha’s vows.
深心 - 即深信之心。所信內容有二: 1.信機 2.信法 ⇒ 合稱「機法兩種深信」。
1. 信機:即深信自身是罪惡生死凡夫,曠劫以來常沒常流轉,無有出離之緣。也就是信自身之無力,以自力不可能出離生死。
2. 信法:即深信阿彌陀佛四十八願已經成就,專為我等罪惡凡夫、無出離緣者作出離強緣,因而無疑無慮,乘彼願力,定得往生。
Namo Amituofo!