Nov 18, 2021
Primary Practices and Miscellaneous Practices:
“Primary” practices are those that are pure and direct. These are practices that relate purely to Amitabha and the Land of Bliss, and have a direct connection with them. There are Five Kinds of Primary Practices. “Miscellaneous” practices are those that are impure, “mixed”, and “diluted.” In terms of karmic consequences, such practices cover everything from the three human and celestial vehicles, to the pure lands of the ten directions. So they are considered mixed.
In the context of causes, they include all practices except those aimed at rebirth in the Western Pure Land. Therefore, they are considered diluted. To sum up, outside of the Five Kinds of Primary Practices, the various virtues and myriad practices are all considered Miscellaneous.
Namo Amituofo!