Dec 4, 2021
Assurance of Nirvana
Assurance of Nirvana is Avinivartaniya or non-retrogression.
As said in the text on accomplishment of the 18th Vow in the Infinite Life Sutra, “All sentient beings who, having heard his Name, rejoice in faith, remember him even once and sincerely transfer the merit of virtuous practices to that land, aspiring to be born there, will instantly attain rebirth and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression.
Master Tanluan says in his Commentary on the Treatise of Rebirth, “If a person merely hears of the purity, peace, and joy of that Land (of Bliss), and earnestly aspires to be reborn there, he can also attain rebirth, and enter the state of assurance of Nirvana.
(to be continued tomorrow)
《無量壽經》第十八願成就文說: 諸有眾生,聞其名號,信心歡喜,乃至一念, 至心迴向,願生彼國,即得往生,住不退轉。
曇鸞大師《往生論註》說: 若人但聞彼國土清淨安樂,剋念願生,亦得往生,即入正定聚。
Namo Amituofo!