Sunday, December 5, 2021

December 5 2021

Dec 5, 2021



Assurance of Nirvana

This reveals that “entering the state of assurance of Nirvana” is to be attained in this lifetime; so, it is not necessary to wait until after we are reborn in the Land of Bliss at the end-of-life. As long as a sentient being recites Amitabha’s Name once or ten times, has one thought near the end-of-life, or recites for the remainder of his life, he will be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land. This Amitabha-recitation is not practiced for the purpose of accumulating blessings in the present life, or seeking rebirth in heavenly or human realms; but, only for “sincerely dedicating and aspiring to be reborn that Land”. In this respect, he will instantly attain rebirth and dwell in the Stage of Non-retrogression. His status of rebirth is acquired at that moment.

Between the two kinds of benefits - in the present and future life, entering the state of assurance of Nirvana belongs to the present life. From the point of view of Buddhist teachings in general, it is regarded as achieving the assurance of Nirvana after rebirth in the Land of Bliss. However, our School holds a different view, we understand it as attainment in the present life.

入正定聚 (續)

顯示「入正定聚」是在現生所獲得的,不必等到命終往生極樂世界之後。眾生只要上盡一形,乃至臨終十聲、一聲、一念,念其名號 —— 這個念佛不是只為了現世的福報,或者將來求生人天,而是「至心迴向,願生彼國」,這樣就「即得往生,住不退轉」,當下就獲得往生身分了。


Namo Amituofo!