Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
Four Modes of Practice for rebirth in the Land of Bliss -
Settlement of the mind, commencement of practice, and the action of karma are required for implementation. Among the three, settlement of the mind is the eyes, commencement of practice is the feet, and the action of karma is the framework for the manipulation of the eyes and feet.
The Four Modes of Practice belong to the action of karma. In the Rites of Rebirth, Master Shandao elaborates the four kinds of cultivation necessary for ordinary beings who practice the Pure Land teaching. They are: Respectful Practice, Exclusive Practice, Uninterrupted Practice, and Sustained Practice.
The Four Cultivations are applicable to the Five Main Practices. The Four Modes of Practice are a single unit with nothing missing, just like the Three States of Mind.
(to be continued tomorrow)
往生極樂世界須安心、起行、作業三種相資,其三者的關係喻如安心為目, 起行為足,作業為彼目足運用之方規。
四修即屬作業,善導大師《往生禮讚》釋為凡夫修淨土門所需之四種行業,即: 1. 恭敬修 2. 無餘修 3. 無間修 4. 長時修
Namo Amituofo!