Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
The Four Cultivations
4. Exclusive and Sustained Practice - “Sustained” does not necessarily mean from month to month, year to year. Cultivation of Sustained Practice means, to undertake consistently and exclusively, the five primary practices and the Five Paths of Invocation without cessation, from our initial resolution until the day we die.
Some people make their resolutions early, others late. Even if we do so today and pass away before the day is over, it is still considered sustained practice as long as we do not lose our resolve.
Sustained practice also applies to the three other cultivations. We would not gain rebirth in the Pure Land if we failed to sustain our respectful, exclusive, and uninterrupted practices. So, we speak of sustained practice with reference to the previous three cultivations. After discussing each of those three practices Master Shandao instructs us , “to do so all life long without stopping – that is Cultivation of Sustained Practice.”
4. 長時修
Namo Amituofo!