Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
Rebirth in the Reward Land for Ordinary Beings
In the Chapter on the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra, it says,”
Question: This Buddha’s Land is said to be a Realm of Reward. The Reward Land is so profound and wonderful that Theravada practitioners will have difficulty reaching it.
If this is so, how can ordinary people, with all of their obstructions and defilements, enter [Buddha’s land]?
Answer: Taking into account their obstructions and defilements, it is really difficult for ordinary beings to enter [the Reward Land]. It is because of the strong causal condition of the power of the Buddha’s vow that all beings in the Five Vehicles can enter [the Reward Land] together.”
This means, with recourse to Amitabha’s vow-power as the determining condition, ordinary beings, including those at the lowest level with the heaviest obstructions, and the bodhisattvas of the highest rank, with all ignorance eliminated, are equally reborn in the Land of Bliss.
(to be continued tomorrow)
Namo Amituofo!