Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 24 2022

Apr 24, 2022
A verse about “the naturalness of manifesting the ten Bodhisattva stages”, quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”

Tathagatas of the Six Directions extend their tongues to affirm that:
By reciting Amitabha’s Name exclusively,
Sentient beings will be born in the Western Land of Bliss.
Once born there in a blooming lotus,
They can listen to the wondrous Dharma teachings.
The aspiration and practices of the ten Bodhisattva stages manifest naturally.


Namo Amituofo!

April 23 2022

Apr 23, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

The Pure Land teaching is called the Easy Path, and is interpreted as easy-to-practice but difficult-to-believe. It is so named because of the easiness of taking the Easy Path and renouncing the Difficult Path. So, if a person can always exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, his faith is already established.
Even though the Contemplation Sutra talks about meditative and non-meditative virtues - the Three Meritorious Deeds, the Nine Levels of Rebirth, and the two kinds of deep belief( in aptitude and teaching), it eventually advises us to disseminate the teaching of “always exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name” to future generations.
Because name-recitation is easy, and everyone can do it. Because the merit and virtues are so splendid, reciters can achieve the Buddha’s fruition. The teaching perfectly and completely embraces all of the merit and virtues attained through meditative and non-meditative practices. All of the functional capacities within the two kinds of deep beliefs, in aptitude and teaching, are expediently included within it.


Namo Amituofo!

April 22 2022

Apr 22, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about The Conclusive Return to the Pure Land School

This teaching of Pure Land is the Dharani for all Buddhas in the ten directions and the three periods of time, who accomplish Buddhahood above and transform all sentient beings below, all the way through, from the beginning to the end of the Buddha’s Path.


Namo Amituofo!

April 21 2022

Apr 21, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

A Buddhist practitioner -
6. Always accepts the Buddha’s heart and practices as his own.
7. Should always think of the truth. He should not gossip, praise, slander, or exaggerate.
8. Hopes that all sentient beings will be liberated from suffering, and does not seek peace and joy only for himself.
9. Realizes the oneness of all things, without any differentiation between self and others. He thinks of others before himself and helps them to accomplish peace and liberation.
10. A sacred person does not save and accumulate just for himself, because he knows he receives more if he shares with others, and has more if he gives more to others.
On the divine path, only benefit and do no harm. On the sacred path, do for others and do not fight.

6. 修行人以佛心為心,以佛行為行。
7. 修行人念念在道,念念不在人我是非、稱譏毀譽。
8. 修行人但願眾生得離苦,不為自己求安樂。
9. 修行人悟萬物一體,自他無別;故忘掉自己,成就他人。
10. 聖人不積,既已為人己愈有,既已與人己愈多。
天之道,利而不害;聖人之道,為而不爭。 (老子)

Namo Amituofo!

April 20 2022

Apr 20, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

A Buddhist practitioner -
1. Should try to purify his mind, have fewer desires, graciously accept poverty, and be content with practicing the truth.
2. Should search for truth rather than food, and worry about practicing the Way rather than poverty.
3. Should feel ashamed of eating unwholesome food, wearing inappropriate clothing, and criticizing other practitioners.
4. Should deeply believe that karma plays a big role in his life, that his prosperity, and what he eats and drinks are heavily influenced by his past karma.
5. Happily accepts Amitabha’s power in his life, doesn’t blame others, or ask for anything in this world.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 修行人清心寡慾,安貧樂道。
2. 修行人謀道不謀食,憂道不憂貧。
3. 修行人而恥惡衣惡食,非修行人。
4. 修行人深信生死有命,富貴在天,一飲一啄,莫非前定。
5. 修行人樂天知命,於人無怨,於世無求。

Namo Amituofo!

April 19 2022

Apr 19, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the PureLand

An Amitabha-reciter -
8. Will have disasters extinguished and jeopardies avoided. His blessings will be increased and his life extended. He will know the time of his death in advance, and pass away smoothly and comfortably.
9. Should believe in and accept Amitabha’s deliverance, aspire to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, and remember to keep the Buddha in mind every day for the rest of his life.
10. Exclusively recite the Name of Amitabha , without worrying about his scattered thoughts.
(to be continued tomorrow)

8. 現生消災免難,增福延壽;臨終預知時至,自在往生。
9. 信受彌陀救度,願生彌陀淨土,專稱彌陀佛名。終生過「憶佛念佛」的生活。
10. 一句彌陀念到底,一切妄念皆不顧。
NAmo Amituofo!

April 18 2022

Apr 18, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

An Amitabha-reciter -
4. Is embraced, protected, and never forsaken by Amitabha’s light, that permeates the worlds of the ten directions.(the Contemplation Sutra)
5. “ will come straight here with correct mindfulness and my protection. You need not be frightened of falling into the River of Water or the River of Fire.” (The Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra)
6. Need not even think about the River of Water River or the River of Fire! He should just keep on reciting Amitabha’s Name and totally rely on the power of his vow.
7. Can courageously move forward on the White Path to the Pure Land and leave all of their karmic baggage behind.
(to be continued tomorrow)

4. 光明遍照十方世界,念佛眾生攝取不捨。 (《觀經》)
5. 汝一心正念直來,我能護汝,眾不畏墮於水火之難。 (《觀經疏》)
6. 不顧水火二河,念念無遺,乘彼願力之道。 (《觀經疏》)
7. 行走白道的念佛人,忘記背後,向著淨土,驀直前進。

Namo Amituofo!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 17 2022

Apr 17, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

An Amitabha-reciter
1. Should always remember the suffering in hell and be fearful of it. In response he should always think of the joy in the Land of Bliss.
2. Acknowledges that we are all sinners. What a sinner should focus on is: how can I escape the judgement of King Yama and awful punishment ?
3. Realizes the fires of hell have already burned his feet. His only means of escape is to sincerely recite Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo... as often as he can remember, throughout the day and night. No other activity is nearly as important.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 念佛人常思地獄苦,使心有所畏懼;常思極樂樂,使心有所冀慕。
2. 我是個有罪的人,一個罪人心中所想的是:如何才能救贖自己,以免於受那一日的審判和刑罰。
3. 地獄之火已經燃燒到了我的腳底,我日日夜夜,心心念念,只有南無阿彌陀佛、南無阿彌陀佛......,此外,我無遑旁顧。

Namo Amituofo!

April 16 2022

Apr 16, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

“Sincerely and joyfully entrust,” as said in the 18th Vow, means to “truly believe”. Believe what? Believe that if we wish to be reborn in Amitabha’s Land, and recite his Name even ten times, we are guaranteed to be born there. “If they fail to be reborn, I will not attain perfect Enlightenment”. Since Amitabha has now attained perfect Enlightenment, all those who wish to be reborn in his Land, and recite his Name even ten times are assured of rebirth. This principle is very clear and worthy of our full belief.


Namo Amituofo!

April 15 2022

Apr 15, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Birth by manifestation
There are two modes of rebirth in the reward Land of Bliss, birth by womb, and birth by manifestation.
Though it is said that there are two modes of rebirth, it is actually just birth by manifestation, which is different from birth via a womb that manifests with a variety of karma in this world. They are born only by manifestation and emerge from a pure lotus flower. In order to differentiate the splendors of the two kinds of rebirth, two modes of rebirth are specified.
For those who exclusively practice Amitabha-recitation with full confidence in Amitabha’s wisdom, their flowers will blossom and they will immediately see the Buddha upon rebirth. They don’t need to stay inside the lotus. That is why it is known as birth through manifestation.
The Infinite Life Sutra says, “They will naturally be reborn in seven-jeweled flowers. Their bodily form instantly becomes purple golden in color and their bodhisattva wisdom, merit, and virtues are completely accomplished.


Namo Amituofo!

April 14 2022

Apr 14, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

The Contemplation Sutra says, “Amitabha’s light permeates the worlds of the ten directions, embracing and never forsaking those sentient beings who recite Amitabha’s Name. ”Thus, a sentient being who genuinely recites Amitabha’s Name is always embraced by Amitabha’s light, whether he is sleeping, thinking, or even day-dreaming.
Why? It is because Amitabha Buddha has accomplished that vow (the Fundamental Vow), that we are able to be embraced by it. Moreover, because he is a person who exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name and aspires to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, he has already become one of the sacred beings in the Land of Bliss. He is no longer an ordinary being in the Saha world subjected to reincarnation.
Conversely, if he is not a person who exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name and aspires to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, he will not be embraced by Amitabha’s light at all times.


Namo Amituofo!

April 13 2022

Apr 13, 2022
A verse about “the Profundity of the Pure Land” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’ by Master Shandao

It has been seen and heard for many eons in the past,
The jeweled adornments of the Pure Land in the West.
This is the power of Amitabha’s compassionate vows,
Which is superb, without any change or decay.


Namo Amituofo!

April 12 2022

Apr 12, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

Supposedly, Pure Land teaching is extremely plain and easy, direct and straightforward. If everyone were required to understand the complicated doctrinal teachings, or to realize faith in one thought, the characteristics of easiness in practice and splendidness in receiving the rewards of the Pure Land teaching would be obliterated. The basic principle of Amitabha’s compassion for the sake of ordinary beings is covered and hidden. The teaching for people with different aptitudes and under all circumstances becomes only for people with a specific kind of aptitude and under particular circumstances. Because of this misinterpretation, distorted explanation, and self-imposed restrictions, those who can be delivered and reborn become few. Thus, Shakyamuni sighed and said, “Even though it is easy to go there, few accept.”


Namo Amituofo!

April 11 2022

Apr 11, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about The Conclusive Return to the Pure Land School

Pure Land is the summit teaching that all Buddhist teachings return to as their source.
This teaching of Amitabha-recitation for rebirth is the foremost path for all sentient beings to leave the cycle of birth-and-death.
Actually, it is the supreme teaching for all bodhisattvas to quickly attain perfect Enlightenment and become Buddhas.


Namo Amituofo!

April 10 2022

Apr 10, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

9. The loving-kindness of Amitabha’s deliverance accommodates all and transcends all - cause and effect, good and evil, reward and retribution. It also transcends worldly fairness and justice. It is purely because of our extreme karmic offenses that we have no chance to leave the cycle of birth-and-death by our own power. In spite of this, we are still deserving of Amitabha’s deliverance.
10. In understanding the teaching of deliverance, loving-kindness is the most important principle, not virtue or fairness.

9. 彌陀救度的愛心,遮蓋一切,超越一切,超越通途之因果、善惡、報應;超越世間之公平、公道、正義。也因此,我們極惡,無有出緣,也能蒙救。
10. 救度的法門以愛心為原則,非以善惡、公平為原則。 當用愛心的原則,代替善惡、公平的原則。

Namo Amituofo!

April 9 2022

Apr 9, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

7. Amitabha loves us. If he were not compassionate, we would have no hope of attaining rebirth. The vows that Amitabha made 5 eons ago were made for us, and the practices he cultivated through countless kalpas were also done for us. The Land of Bliss that he created through his vows and practices is now easily available to us. The Six-Character Name that Amitabha realized contains all of the credentials necessary for our rebirth in his Pure Land. Once there we will soon become Buddhas.
8. Amitabha’s deliverance transcends all kinds of good and evil karma. It emphasizes loving-kindness. We are evil; but, the Buddha still loves us. Because Amitabha’s love accommodates all, so Amitabha’s deliverance encompasses all.
(to be continued tomorrow)

7. 彌陀愛我們,祂不慈悲,我們得救無望。彌陀五劫所發的願為我們而發,彌陀永劫所修的行為我們而行,彌陀願行所成就的極樂世界是我們的淨土,所成就的六字洪名是我們往生成佛的功德資糧。
8. 彌陀是超越善惡,講求愛心。我們如此之惡,佛仍然愛我們,因為愛能遮蓋一切,所以救度超越一切。

Namo Amituofo!

April 8 2022

Apr 8, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

4. Pure Land teaching emphasizes a loving heart, which is Amitabha’s heart of loving-kindness and compassionate deliverance.
5. Amitabha loves all sentient beings. He deeply wishes all sentient beings will be reborn in his land of bliss, without leaving even one person suffering in reincarnation.
6. Amitabha loves us. In order to deliver us, Amitabha took 5 eons to formulate his vows for us, and took countless eons to realize them for us. 10 eons ago he completed his Land of Bliss, accomplished the merit and virtues to enable us to be reborn there, and become buddhas. All of these merits and virtues are contained in the Six-Character Name (Namo Amituofo) in the form of light. This light enables us to have faith in Amitabha, aspire to be born in his land, and practice recitation of his Name.
(to be continued tomorrow)

4. 淨土法門講愛心,亦即講彌陀慈悲的愛心、彌陀慈悲的救度。
5. 彌陀愛一切眾生,但願眾生皆往生,不願一人獨輪迴。
6. 彌陀愛我們,彌陀為救度我們:以五劫時間為我們發願,以永劫時間為我們修行,十劫之前終於為我們成就極樂世界,成就我們能夠往生成佛的功德,此功德皆在「南無阿彌陀佛」六字光明名號中,使我們信心求念。

Namo Amituofo!

April 7 2022

Apr 7, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

1. An ordinary being who is burdened with afflictions, is like a lump of charcoal that cannot turn white no matter how much it is washed.
2. If a person relies on his own efforts, it is impossible for him to be liberated from reincarnation (Samsara). However, by relying on the Buddha’s deliverance, not only can he be liberated from reincarnation; but, he can also quickly achieve the Buddhist Way.
3. Two characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism are “the great kindness and great compassion of Amitabha Buddha, who rescues us from the sea of suffering and disasters, and brings us lasting happiness.” It is the loving mind of purity and equality. If there were no great kindness and compassion, and it could not rescue us from the sea of suffering and disasters, and bring us lasting happiness, it would not be Pure Land Buddhism.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 煩惱具足的凡夫,猶如黑炭,再怎麼磨洗,也不能變白。
2. 人靠自己的努力,不能脫離輪迴,唯有靠佛救度,不但能離輪迴,而且速成佛道。
3. 佛教的特色是「大慈大悲、救苦救難、拔苦與樂」,亦即是純淨平等的愛心。佛教若無「大慈大悲」,不能「救苦救難,拔苦與樂」,即非佛教。

Namo Amituofo!

April 6 2022

Apr 6, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

“Sincerely”, “joyfully entrust” and “wish to be reborn” are the Three Aspects of Faith, also called the Three States of Mind. Since we have only one mind, it is simply being divided into three parts, when speaking of the Three States of Mind. In a nutshell, it is the mind that “believes in and accepts Amitabha’s deliverance, and aspires to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land.”


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

April 5 2022

Apr 5, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Three Tiers
Within the 16 contemplative practices in the Contemplation Sutra, the 14th, 15th and 16th are collectively called the contemplative practices of the three tiers. In the Sutra, there are contemplative practices for the rebirth of those in the high tier, those in the middle tier, and those in the low tier.
The Contemplation Sutra further divides the three tiers into nine levels; so, it reveals that there are three tiers for folding and nine tiers for unfolding. It can further be divided into eighty-one levels, or even immeasurable levels.
Thus, the three tiers and the nine levels are basically the same. The folding and unfolding are just expressions. Its purpose is to guide all people of various aptitudes to return to the One Vehicle of Amitabha-Recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

April 4 2022

Apr 4, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Three Tiers
The three tiers mentioned in the Great Sutra are high, middle, and low.
1. Those in the high tier are monastics who diligently cultivate many merits and virtues.
2. Those in the middle tier are householders who practice some merits and virtues
3. Those in the low tier are supposed to be unable to accumulate any merits and virtues. Truly wicked people should be included in this tier. “Supposed” implies those who can practice virtues delight the Buddha. Thus, there is great value in praising the virtuous ones and inhibiting people from doing evil.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 上輩之機 —— 出家大修功德。
2. 中輩之機 —— 在家多少修善。
3. 下輩之機 —— 假使不能作諸功德。經文說無善,按理也應當包含造惡之機。又「假使」之言,顯明修善者令佛歡喜,隱含揚善抑惡之意。

Namo Amituofo!

April 3 2022

Apr 3, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in Pure Land Buddhism

Amitabha’s light is vast and deep, permeating everywhere in the worlds of the ten directions. What are the functional capacities of this light? What are its purposes? It protects and embraces those who recite the Buddha’s Name.
So, there are two functions, one is to protect, and the other is to deliver. Amitabha will come to receive you at the point of death. “Without forsaking” means, his protection and deliverance are unchanging from beginning to end.


Namo Amituofo!

April 2 2022

Apr 2, 2022
A verse about ‘transcending all other Buddha-lands” quoted from “In Praise of the Rites of Rebirth” by Master Shandao

Contemplating Amitabha’s Land of Bliss,
So vast, wide and level, formed by countless jewels.
From the 48 Vows sublime adornments arise,
Transcending all Buddha-lands.


Namo Amituofo!

April 1 2022

Apr 1, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Classification of Teachings – the Difficult and the Easy Paths
淨宗判教 – 難易二道判

The Pure Land teaching is called the Easy Path. There are a number of meanings of ‘easiness’- simple and easy, i.e. single and pristine, and ease of practice. Because of this simplicity, everyone is capable of following it. If understanding the profound and sophisticated theory were required, it would not be simple, singular, or pristine. If a complicated practice were necessary, it would not be easy. If it were not simple and easy, all people could not do it. It would not be the Pure Land teaching, and not in accord with the original vow of Amitabha.


Namo Amituofo!

March 31 2022

Mar 31, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about Accomplishing Buddhahood by delivering living beings

Then, by relying on the wheel of Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vows, we will return to the Saha World to deliver and liberate sentient beings with various kinds of expedient teachings.
Like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, we can transform ourselves into many different forms to preach the Dharma in accordance with the individual forms and aptitudes of all sentient beings to enable them to leave the cycle of birth and death, and accomplish the Buddha Path together.
By doing so, we can perfectly realize our own innate wonderful mind of True-Suchness. By doing so, we can ultimately accomplish the Four Great Vows of the Bodhisattvas, the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha, and the King of the Ten Great Vows Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

普令一切眾生,同出生死, 同成佛道。

Namo Amituofo!