Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land
A Buddhist practitioner -
1. Should try to purify his mind, have fewer desires, graciously accept poverty, and be content with practicing the truth.
2. Should search for truth rather than food, and worry about practicing the Way rather than poverty.
3. Should feel ashamed of eating unwholesome food, wearing inappropriate clothing, and criticizing other practitioners.
4. Should deeply believe that karma plays a big role in his life, that his prosperity, and what he eats and drinks are heavily influenced by his past karma.
5. Happily accepts Amitabha’s power in his life, doesn’t blame others, or ask for anything in this world.
(to be continued tomorrow)
1. 修行人清心寡慾,安貧樂道。
2. 修行人謀道不謀食,憂道不憂貧。
3. 修行人而恥惡衣惡食,非修行人。
4. 修行人深信生死有命,富貴在天,一飲一啄,莫非前定。
5. 修行人樂天知命,於人無怨,於世無求。
Namo Amituofo!