Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land
A Buddhist practitioner -
6. Always accepts the Buddha’s heart and practices as his own.
7. Should always think of the truth. He should not gossip, praise, slander, or exaggerate.
8. Hopes that all sentient beings will be liberated from suffering, and does not seek peace and joy only for himself.
9. Realizes the oneness of all things, without any differentiation between self and others. He thinks of others before himself and helps them to accomplish peace and liberation.
10. A sacred person does not save and accumulate just for himself, because he knows he receives more if he shares with others, and has more if he gives more to others.
On the divine path, only benefit and do no harm. On the sacred path, do for others and do not fight.
6. 修行人以佛心為心,以佛行為行。
7. 修行人念念在道,念念不在人我是非、稱譏毀譽。
8. 修行人但願眾生得離苦,不為自己求安樂。
9. 修行人悟萬物一體,自他無別;故忘掉自己,成就他人。
10. 聖人不積,既已為人己愈有,既已與人己愈多。
天之道,利而不害;聖人之道,為而不爭。 (老子)
Namo Amituofo!