Wednesday, April 6, 2022

April 4 2022

Apr 4, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Three Tiers
The three tiers mentioned in the Great Sutra are high, middle, and low.
1. Those in the high tier are monastics who diligently cultivate many merits and virtues.
2. Those in the middle tier are householders who practice some merits and virtues
3. Those in the low tier are supposed to be unable to accumulate any merits and virtues. Truly wicked people should be included in this tier. “Supposed” implies those who can practice virtues delight the Buddha. Thus, there is great value in praising the virtuous ones and inhibiting people from doing evil.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 上輩之機 —— 出家大修功德。
2. 中輩之機 —— 在家多少修善。
3. 下輩之機 —— 假使不能作諸功德。經文說無善,按理也應當包含造惡之機。又「假使」之言,顯明修善者令佛歡喜,隱含揚善抑惡之意。

Namo Amituofo!