Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 7 2022

Apr 7, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

1. An ordinary being who is burdened with afflictions, is like a lump of charcoal that cannot turn white no matter how much it is washed.
2. If a person relies on his own efforts, it is impossible for him to be liberated from reincarnation (Samsara). However, by relying on the Buddha’s deliverance, not only can he be liberated from reincarnation; but, he can also quickly achieve the Buddhist Way.
3. Two characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism are “the great kindness and great compassion of Amitabha Buddha, who rescues us from the sea of suffering and disasters, and brings us lasting happiness.” It is the loving mind of purity and equality. If there were no great kindness and compassion, and it could not rescue us from the sea of suffering and disasters, and bring us lasting happiness, it would not be Pure Land Buddhism.
(to be continued tomorrow)

1. 煩惱具足的凡夫,猶如黑炭,再怎麼磨洗,也不能變白。
2. 人靠自己的努力,不能脫離輪迴,唯有靠佛救度,不但能離輪迴,而且速成佛道。
3. 佛教的特色是「大慈大悲、救苦救難、拔苦與樂」,亦即是純淨平等的愛心。佛教若無「大慈大悲」,不能「救苦救難,拔苦與樂」,即非佛教。

Namo Amituofo!