Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land
4. Pure Land teaching emphasizes a loving heart, which is Amitabha’s heart of loving-kindness and compassionate deliverance.
5. Amitabha loves all sentient beings. He deeply wishes all sentient beings will be reborn in his land of bliss, without leaving even one person suffering in reincarnation.
6. Amitabha loves us. In order to deliver us, Amitabha took 5 eons to formulate his vows for us, and took countless eons to realize them for us. 10 eons ago he completed his Land of Bliss, accomplished the merit and virtues to enable us to be reborn there, and become buddhas. All of these merits and virtues are contained in the Six-Character Name (Namo Amituofo) in the form of light. This light enables us to have faith in Amitabha, aspire to be born in his land, and practice recitation of his Name.
(to be continued tomorrow)
4. 淨土法門講愛心,亦即講彌陀慈悲的愛心、彌陀慈悲的救度。
5. 彌陀愛一切眾生,但願眾生皆往生,不願一人獨輪迴。
6. 彌陀愛我們,彌陀為救度我們:以五劫時間為我們發願,以永劫時間為我們修行,十劫之前終於為我們成就極樂世界,成就我們能夠往生成佛的功德,此功德皆在「南無阿彌陀佛」六字光明名號中,使我們信心求念。
Namo Amituofo!