Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 9 2022

Apr 9, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings - Expressing the Perception of the Pure Land

7. Amitabha loves us. If he were not compassionate, we would have no hope of attaining rebirth. The vows that Amitabha made 5 eons ago were made for us, and the practices he cultivated through countless kalpas were also done for us. The Land of Bliss that he created through his vows and practices is now easily available to us. The Six-Character Name that Amitabha realized contains all of the credentials necessary for our rebirth in his Pure Land. Once there we will soon become Buddhas.
8. Amitabha’s deliverance transcends all kinds of good and evil karma. It emphasizes loving-kindness. We are evil; but, the Buddha still loves us. Because Amitabha’s love accommodates all, so Amitabha’s deliverance encompasses all.
(to be continued tomorrow)

7. 彌陀愛我們,祂不慈悲,我們得救無望。彌陀五劫所發的願為我們而發,彌陀永劫所修的行為我們而行,彌陀願行所成就的極樂世界是我們的淨土,所成就的六字洪名是我們往生成佛的功德資糧。
8. 彌陀是超越善惡,講求愛心。我們如此之惡,佛仍然愛我們,因為愛能遮蓋一切,所以救度超越一切。

Namo Amituofo!