June 14, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from in “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
1. A Verse to Praise the Inauguration of Buddhism
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The great compassionate mind of all Buddhas is just one, not two.
Their teachings on delivering sentient beings are basically the same, without any differences.
Shakyamuni Buddha left his splendid Invincible Reward Land, and appeared in eight forms in Jambudvipa.
Sometimes he appeared in his true body to benefit sentient beings,
And sometimes he appeared as an assortment of sentient beings, in order to deliver slow-witted ordinary beings.
He split his body in the Six Realms tirelessly,
And transformed according to the karmic circumstances necessary to deliver beings in all kinds of existences.
Beings living all kinds of existences have different views and understandings, as their minds are not the same;
So, there are eight-four thousand kinds of Buddhist teachings to deliver them.
Though each teaching seems different from the others, they are actually not different.
The fundamental difference between all of the teachings is virtually the same.
It is the same because of the original reason for the appearance of the Tathagata;
Yet, It is different because of his compassionate mind.
With his compassionate mind, the Buddha always thinks of his karmic connection with all sentient beings in the Three Realms,
And because the wicked roots of celestial and human beings, and the beings in the other four realms are deep.
All Buddhas in the past, present and future come to this world to deliver them;
However, sentient beings fail to encounter them because of karmic obstructions resulting from ignorance.
We should feel ashamed for not appreciating that Shakyamuni Buddha’s great vow to deliver ordinary beings is weighty,
And he, without forsaking anyone, delivers sentient beings who commit the karmic offenses of the Ten Unwholesome Deeds in the Land of Saha.
It is a rare blessing for us to come across the Buddha’s teaching revealing the Pure Land.
Being freed from the cage of afflictions with the aid of the divine Buddha, our sufferings are ended forever.
Sighing mournfully with sorrow in our hearts,
Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.
1. 讚教興偈
願往生 願往生
諸佛大悲心無二 方便化門等無殊
捨彼莊嚴無勝土 八相示現出閻浮
或現真形而利物 或同雜類化凡愚
分身六道無停息 變現隨宜度有流
有流見解心非一 故有八萬四千門
門門不同亦非別 別別之門還是同
同故即是如來致 別故復是慈悲心
悲心念念緣三界 人天四趣罪根深
過現諸佛皆來化 無明業障不相逢
慚愧釋迦弘誓重 不捨娑婆十惡業
稀遇道場聞淨土 騰神永逝出煩籠
眾等傷心共悲嘆 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!