Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 13, 2022

Jun 13, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

A person may question his ability to be reborn because he believes, “ even though I really aspire for rebirth, I cannot give up worldly matters, and I possess the Five Sensual Desires.”
Actually, this is a natural feeling for ordinary beings, because, if we didn’t have greed, hatred and delusion, we would not have the Five Sensual Desires. In this case, will it affect rebirth in the Land of Bliss? One ought to know: The mind of rebirth-aspiration is hidden at the bottom of our hearts. As long as we have our physical bodies, we must think of our children. So, it is inevitable to have a certain amount of attachment. However, when the time comes, we will naturally let go of everything and only aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This is called “selecting one out of two”.

其實這個是自然的凡情,因為,如果我們沒有貪瞋癡,就不會執著,就不會貪著五欲。那這樣會不會影響往生極樂世界?應知那一種願生心,是潛藏在我們心底的, 只不過是肉體還存在的時候,就會掛念兒女......,難免就會有一些執著。可是時間到了,只能二選一的時候,就會完全放下,往生極樂世界。

Namo Amituofo!