Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 14, 2022

Jul 14, 2022
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Faith in the Pure Land

An Amitabha-reciter should clearly know that rebirth relies on exclusive recitation of Namo Amituofo. Other than that, he should perform his duties and responsibilities in dealing with worldly matters. He shouldn’t escape his duties and responsibilities by making the excuse that he is too busy reciting Namo Amituofo.
Thus, as a son or daughter, we should: have filial love for our parents; as parents we should responsibly raise our children; being siblings, we should love each other and live in harmony. We should accommodate them, help them, and do good in whatever way we can, according to our conditions, duties, and capacities. This is what the Buddha teaches us – refrain from evil, and practice various virtues.
(to be continued tomorrow)

一個念佛的人,他深刻清楚,往生是專靠念南無阿彌陀佛,因此平生就只專念南無阿彌陀佛。除此之外, 對於人情世事,當然也要恪盡本分,不可以假借念佛之名,而迴避應盡的責任。

Namo Amituofo!