Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 24, 2022

Jul 24, 2022
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語

6. A Verse about the Explanation of Direct and Circumstantial Rewards in the Land of
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
A multitude of heavenly and human beings sit with the Buddha, join their palms with admiration, and happily listen to the Buddha explain the Sutra.
The Buddha knows that it is the perfect time to enlighten both ordinary and sacred beings in the assembly; so, he asks Sariputra to listen with full attention.
All Buddha-lands are pure and adorned. Ordinary beings who are distracted and confused, with miscellaneous and false thoughts, are not likely to be reborn.
Thus, the Tathagata specially directs us to the Pure Land in the West, which is located far beyond a hundred thousand billion Buddha-lands.
The Pure Land is most splendid and adorned with seven jewels. The lifespans of sacred and celestial beings there are extremely long.
The Buddha in that land is called Amitabha, who always shares the Dharma. All karmic obstructions to the Buddhist Way encountered by living beings in the Land of Bliss naturally perish.
All sentient beings should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in that Land. Let us hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.

6. 略讚極樂依正偈
願往生 願往生
人天大眾皆圍繞 傾心合掌願聞經
佛知凡聖機時悟 即告舍利用心聽
一切佛土皆嚴淨 凡夫亂想恐難生
如來別指西方國 從是超過十萬億
七寶莊嚴最為勝 聖眾人天壽命長
佛號彌陀常說法 極樂眾生障自亡
眾等迴心願生彼 手執香華常供養

Namo Amituofo!