Sunday, July 3, 2022

June 30, 2022

Jun 30, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

The Characteristics of the Aptitudes of Those near the End-of-Life
The Infinite Life Sutra says, “When a person’s life is near its end, he is filled with remorse and fear.”
Among those who committed offenses throughout their entire lives, they will see scenes of hells, and the officers with horse faces and bull heads will appear before them, when they approach the end of their lives. At this time, they are afraid of falling into hell and suffering in its fires. Though they regret what they did to hurt others in the past, and they really want to repent and heal the wounds they inflicted, it is too late to do so.
Only Amitabha’s 18th Vow can deliver them. Only Amitabha’s 18th Vow can give the gift of “unconditional kindness and infinite compassion” that are some of the most profound attributes of the Buddhas. In so doing, those who are delivered experience perfect happiness and the eradication of all suffering.

往往一生造惡的人,在他臨命終的時候,所顯現在他眼前的,就是地獄的景象,牛頭馬面會來到他的面前。這個時候, 臨終之人唯恐會墮落地獄、受地獄之火的燃燒;但此時雖然懊悔平生所做的惡事,想要懺悔、彌補他有這個心,可是來不及了。

Namo Amituofo!