The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices”by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
7. A Verse Urging People to Renounce and Admire
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
All sentient beings in the Three Domains have no wisdom. They keep on reincarnating within the silly Six Realms.
Kindheartedly, all Buddhas share the Dharma; but, sentient beings cannot understand it. It is as if they are deaf, blind, handicapped, or disabled.
When death suddenly comes, most people are trapped in their suffering. Their minds are in chaos, and they are shocked and fearful.
To let go of all worldly matters, family, and properties one should concentrate his mind and aspire to be reborn in the West, by reciting Amitabha’s Name without interruption, Manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas will parade in front of us,
Or they offer us the lotus altar and receive us with welcoming hands. When our life comes to its end, Amitabha Buddha will be there to receive us.
The multitudes should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
7. 勸厭欣偈
願往生 願往生
三界眾生無智慧 惛惛六道內安身
諸佛慈心為說法 聾盲觝突伴不聞
忽爾無常苦來逼 精神錯亂始驚忙
萬事家生皆捨離 專心發願向西方
彌陀名號相續念 化佛菩薩眼前行
或與華臺或授手 須臾命盡佛迎將
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!