Wednesday, August 10, 2022

July 31, 2022

Jul 31, 2022
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Naturalness in Unconditioned Realm
It is just like being born as a celestial being, who innately possess the five kinds of paranormal powers without needing to learn and practice intentionally; or being born as a flying creature, who naturally knows how to fly; or being born as a sea creature, who can naturally swim without needing to learn or practice.
The Land of Bliss is a realm comprised of the unconditioned naturalness of Nirvana. Once reborn, a living being naturally realizes Nirvana without needing to learn or practice intentionally.

猶如生為天人,不須假藉學習的造作功用,自然具足五種神通;生為飛禽, 也

Namo Amituofo!