Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
Merit-Dedication of Other-Power (continued)
The Infinite Life Sutra says, “If I should not become a great benefactor, in lives to come for immeasurable kalpas, and be able to save the poor and afflicted everywhere, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” It also says, “I will open the Dharma-Store for the multitudes, and endow them all with treasures of merit.”
Pure Land teaching is the Dharma Store accomplished by Amitabha Buddha for us. This Dharma store is the great six-syllable name. Amitabha Buddha is the great benefactor who gives his merit and virtues to us, so that we can leave the suffering of reincarnation within the Six Realms, and leave the spiritual poverty that prevents us from achieving Buddhahood. It shows that the cause and effect of our rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land is entirely Amitabha’s merit-dedication of Other-Power to us.
Namo Amituofo!