Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
Feather Light
Feather light is so light that it flies here and there when blown by a light breeze. The Sutra says, “In the Buddhist Way, bodhisattvas of the ten stages of faith move up and down like the lightest feather. Those ordinary beings of the ten stages of faith are also called feather light. Master Daochuo says in the Collection on Peace and Joy, “Ordinary beings nowadays are called feather light, with even just a thought of faith.
Ordinary beings like us are described as feather light, as our mental power is blunt and feeble, moves forward and backward, or performs good and bad deeds easily according to the circumstances.
道綽大師《安樂集》言:「當今凡夫,現名信想輕毛。 」
Namo Amituofo!