Oct 2, 2022
31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
14. A Verse that Summarizes the Praise of the Circumstantial Reward
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Amitabha’s Buddha-land is splendid and pure,
The Three Wretched Realms, the Six Realms, and even the names of those realms are absent forever.
Everything is adorned with inconceivable virtues, which are so hard to depict,
And every kind of wonderful and delicate phenomena is marvellously refined.
The land is broad and level with a variety of jewels arrayed. Each of them shines simultaneously with five hundred beams of light.
Each of the lights forms a jeweled altar, and each of the altars becomes part of hundreds of thousands of halls.
There are numerous gatherings with manifested Buddhas in thousands of halls.
Sentient beings entering the halls meet and greet each other.
Innumerable sounds are heard everywhere in the sky. Heavenly children disperse the fragrant flowers.
This happens without ceasing, day and night during the six periods of time, spreading immeasurably throughout the land and in the air.
All living beings can enter fragrant ponds that contain the eight-virtue water at their own discretion. The water flows in and out freely regardless of the depth.
They may come and go with the joy of the Third Dhyana. They greet each other and follow one another to enter the forests of sandalwood.
There are many different rows of jeweled seats. The sacred beings shine with lights brighter than those of the sun and moon.
The sun and moon symbolize the infinite light and infinite life that surround them, whether they are sitting, standing or traveling in all the worlds.
Everywhere they hear nothing but the unsurpassed Dharma, in order to forever terminate the sufferings of birth-and-death of ordinary beings.
These are the reasons why the Land is called Peace and Joy. The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land.
Through rebirth in that Land, they will no longer have to deal with trivial matters. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
14. 總結讚依報偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀佛國真嚴淨 三惡六道永無名
事事莊嚴難可識 種種妙微甚為精
地迥寬平眾寶間 一一同耀五百光
一一光成寶臺座 一一座上百千堂
千堂化佛塵沙會 眾生入者共相量
無數音聲遊空轉 化天童子散華香
晝夜六時無間息 地上虛空難可量
八德香池隨意入 灌注由人無淺深
或出或沒三禪樂 徐徐相喚入檀林
檀林寶座行行別 聖眾猶若超日月
日月即是長時劫 或坐或立或遊方
到處唯聞無上法 永絕凡夫生死殃
是故彼國名安樂 眾等迴心願往生
往生彼國無餘事 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!