Monday, October 31, 2022

October 26, 2022

Oct 26, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about “No other teaching, if discarded, can liberate us” (The Buddha’s power to liberate us from karmic offenses)

We ought to know there are immeasurable teachings in Buddhism. If an ordinary being bound by karmic forces wants to be liberated from the cycle of birth-and-death in this life, he cannot discard the teaching of rebirth in the Western Land through Amitabha-recitation with faith and aspiration. If he did, even the Buddha would be unable to guide him to an equivalent teaching.

須知佛法,法門無量,若欲以通身業力之凡夫,現生即得了生脫死, 離此信願念佛求生西方一法,佛也說不出第二個法門了。

Namo Amituofo!