Thursday, December 1, 2022

November 24, 2022

Nov 24, 2022
Master Yinguang’s Short Teaching about the most important abstinence in the Pure Land School (Not defying the Buddha’s power)

People who are arrogant always talk about their own power in a lofty tone, and look down upon those who rely upon Amitabha Buddha’s power.
These people do not know that, from the time they are born until the time they die, everything involves reliance upon the efforts of others. Because of their arrogance they do not feel ashamed of this.
Therefore, when it comes to the matter of birth and death, they are not willing to accept the Buddha’s power. These are by far the craziest people! So, all practitioners of the Pure Land School should refrain from this wrong attitude.

不知從生至死,無一事不仗 人力,而不以為恥。

Namo Amituofo!