The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
21. A Verse Advising Sentient Beings to Attain Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The two Bodhisattvas are Amitabha Buddha’s assistants. One is called the Boundless Avalokitesvara.
He helps the Buddha deliver sentient beings at all times. With a kindhearted mind, he can split his body to travel in the Six Realms.
He shares the Dharma in every single thought according to circumstances. However, ignorant sentient beings are difficult to enlighten because of their deep karmic roots.
Though he appears hundreds and thousands of times in this world, none out of ten thousand sentient beings can escape from the grasp of their afflictions.
With infinite compassion he sympathizes with sentient beings who suffer for many eons. They are unable to recognize the Buddha, even if they encounter him face to face.
The reason celestial and human beings are unable to recognize the Buddha is because they have so few virtues. They certainly wouldn’t know enough to ask the Buddha to help them realize the Six Paranormal Powers and the Unconditioned Dharma.
Even if they can see and hear about the Dharma treasure of deliverance, they are too careless and lazy to practice. Thus, they do not gain any merit.
Even though they keep going year after year, they only fill their minds with greed and hatred. Greed and hatred are two of the three bodily karmas. Bearing such karma, how can they possibly awaken to the Pure Land of True Emptiness within?
Sending a message to the good advisors born in the same Pure Land, let’s think of the Buddha’s compassion and enter the assembly of sacred beings.
The multitude is filled with admiration and unanimously aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
21. 勸念佛往生偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀侍者二菩薩 號曰無邊觀世音
一切時中助佛化 分身六道起慈心
念念隨機為說法 惛惛難悟罪根深
百計千萬數出世 萬中無一出煩籠
念汝眾生長劫苦 諸佛對面不相逢
人天少善尚難辨 何況無為證六通
雖得見聞稀有法 粗心懈怠益無功
縱使連年放腳走 趁得貪瞋滿內胸
貪瞋即是身三業 何開淨土裏真空
寄語同生善知識 念佛慈悲入聖叢
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!