Thursday, February 9, 2023

January 31, 2023

Jan 31, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching of the Patriarchal Lineage of the Pure Land School – the 18th Vow

So, the purpose of the commentaries and teachings given by our patriarchs is to inspire us from different perspectives to arouse faith in “assured rebirth through Amitabha-recitation.”
When we are unable to understand the profound meaning of faith, and endlessly try to grasp what is beyond our foolish brains, our patriarchs advise us to simply focus on Amitabha-recitation whether we believe it or not. In this way, our faith will be nurtured and our minds settled.

所以祖師的闡釋、法語,目的都是要啟發我們對「稱念必生」的信心,只是角度不 一樣而已。
當我們無法掌握信的內涵,推想東推想西、做方方面面的考量、甚至思惟高深玄 妙的道理時,祖師們就說,不管你信不信,稱念都必定往生。這樣當下就能啟發 信心而使人安心。

Namo Amituofo!