Feb 25, 2023
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from “ In Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
22 A Verse about The Affirmation by all Buddhas in the East
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Shakyamuni Tathagata always extols the venerable Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment, as many as the sands of the River Ganges.
His Great Compassion delivers sentient beings with a mind of equality. One Buddha bestowing merit and virtues on sentient beings is the same as many Buddhas doing it.
In order to cut off the attachments of doubt and views, all of them extend their tongues to cover the entire cosmos of the three thousand worlds.
They attest to rebirth in the Pure Land by reciting the Name for seven days, and confirm that the words spoken by Shakyamuni are true.
During the end of life, if one recites Amitabha’s Name with right mindfulness,
And sees Amitabha’s light of kindness shining on one’s body,
With recourse to the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow,
He will enter the Hall of Treasure within one thought.
The Hall of Treasure is adorned to an unlimited extent. All of the manifested Buddhas and sacred beings reside there in a state of infinite perception.
They have gained understanding of the Nature of Mind and the teaching of truth, through performing the dual practices of wisdom and compassion, for a hundred or a thousand days.
Just as I have now arrived in the unconditioned realm, I hope all sentient beings can return to this place.
Let the multitude unanimously admire this Pure Land and aspire to be reborn here. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
22. 東方證誠相偈
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來常讚歎 東方恆沙等覺尊
大悲同化心無二 一佛施功多亦然
為斷凡夫疑見執 皆舒舌相覆三千
共證七日稱名號 又表釋迦言說真
終時正意念彌陀 見佛慈光來照身
乘此彌陀本願力 一念之間入寶堂
寶堂莊嚴無限極 化佛聖眾坐思量
心性明於百千日 悲智雙行法爾常
我今既到無為處 普願含靈歸此方
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!