Friday, March 24, 2023

March 17, 2023

Mar 17, 2023
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about Classification of Teachings – the Sacred and the Pure Land teachings
淨宗判教 – 聖淨二門判

Thus, Master Fazhao says, There is no need to practice various virtues to become a Buddha once we have arrived in the Pure Land. We just simply recite Amitabha’s Name while sitting properly on the lotus platform. That is to say, upon arrival in the Land of Bliss, we are not required to labor in practicing the Six Paramitas for three great eons. We need only to sit properly within a lotus flower and recite Namo Amituofo. That’s All!
Why is it so easy? What is the rationale behind this? Upon watching a star at dawn, Shakyamuni Buddha was thoroughly and totally enlightened, thus becoming a Buddha. When we are reborn in the Land Bliss, our six sense organs (roots) capture the six scenes (dusts), enabling us to be thoroughly and fully enlightened. The perfect beauty of all of the scenes enables us to also become Buddhas.

為什麼這麼容易,道理何在?釋迦牟尼佛夜睹明星大徹大悟而成佛,我們到極樂世界六根門頭對極樂世界的六境,因情境皆殊勝,同樣也都能夠大徹大悟, 都能夠成佛的。

Namo Amituofo!