Friday, March 24, 2023

March 23, 2023

Mar 23, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

We know the Land of Saha is full of various kinds of sufferings; but , the Land of Bliss
has none. Once there we only experience pleasure and various kinds of enjoyment.
Thus, the Lotus Sutra explains the reality of Saha (like a burning house); and the
Amitabha Sutra explains the reality of Bliss, in which there is no suffering of any kind:
no suffering through the stages of birth-and-death, no suffering of transformed
birth-and-death, and enjoyment of the happiness of Nirvana (no-birth and no-death).
So, we should know the purpose of the Lotus Sutra is to direct us to the Land of Bliss.

三界如火宅 (續)
可見,娑婆充滿眾苦,而極樂是無有眾苦,而且是但受諸樂,因此可知,《法華經》是在說明娑婆的實相 —— 就像火在燃燒的房子;《阿彌陀經》是在說明極樂的實相 —— 一旦往生淨土,就離開種種苦,沒有分段生死的苦, 沒有變易生死的苦,只有不生不滅涅槃之樂。以此也可以知道,《法華經》 的目的是在指向極樂世界。

Namo Amituofo!