Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24, 2023

Apr 24, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Receiving the Assurance of Nirvana (continued)
“Sentient beings who merely recite his Name for - the remainder of their lives, ten times, one time, or even within one thought near the end-of-life; this name-recitation is done for the sake of receiving the reward of blessings in this life. You can also be born in a heavenly realm in future. However, those who aspire to be reborn in that Land [of Bliss] through sincere dedication, will be reborn in that Land. Thus, they are assured of rebirth immediately, and dwell in the state of non-retrogression.
Receiving the Assurance of Nirvana is a benefit received in the present life (out of the two kinds of benefits - in the present and in future lives). Other schools believe that receiving the assurance of Nirvana is attained only after rebirth in the Land of Bliss. However, the Pure Land School believes it can be attained in the present life.

眾生只要上盡一形,乃至臨終十聲、一聲、一念,念其名號 —— 這個念佛不是只為了現世的福報,或者將來求生人天,而是「至心迴向,願生彼國」,這樣就「即得往生,住不退轉」,當下就獲得往生身分了。

Namo Amituofo!