The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra from the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
28. A verse explaining how all Buddhas embrace and remember
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Shakyamuni Tathagata possessed Great compassion. It caused him to transform and appear in the Saha World to deliver sentient beings.
Sentient beings reside in all of the three thousand realms. He teaches them in accordance with their aptitudes and capacities, how to eliminate greed and hatred and attain enlightenment.
He advises them to let go of impermanent celestial and human joys, because the Eight Sufferings of birth-and-death are like a burning fire that seriously injures people.
People can think of Buddhas and recite the Sutras to eradicate their karmic obstructions. All Buddhas will embrace and protect them remotely.
They should make a strong wish during the six periods of time. Controlling their minds while practicing without distractions, they accomplish the karma that assures rebirth.
Once they accomplish the karma of assurance, they can see the Buddha, the Master of the Lotus Altar. Upon arrival in that land the altar transforms to a purple golden color.
They follow the Buddha and travel freely to enter the jeweled country, where they never again hear any sounds of sorrow or worry.
The multitude is filled with admiration and unanimously aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來大慈悲 應現娑婆度有緣
有緣遍滿三千界 隨機示悟斷貪癡
總勸厭此人天樂 無常八苦火燒人
念佛誦經除罪障 諸佛遙加護念身
晝夜六時強發願 持心不散業還成
業成見佛華臺主 須臾變作紫金臺
從佛逍遙入寶國 畢竟永絕愁憂聲
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
Namo Amituofo!