Thursday, May 4, 2023

April 30, 2023

Apr 30, 2023
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

Quickly Be Reborn in my Buddhaland
The Adornment Sutra says, “All beings in the various realms of reincarnation come to be reborn in my land and receive the fullness of joy!”
“Various realms” refer to the Six Realms. “All beings in the various realms of reincarnation” are sentient beings who reincarnate within the Six Realms.
This means that Amitabha hopes that reincarnated sentient beings will wish to go to the Land of Bliss after their present lives, so he can relieve them from the suffering of reincarnation within the Six Realms, and enjoy the Buddha’s rewards of freedom, peace and joy.
“My Buddha-land (‘Buddha-kshetra”) refers to the Land of Bliss, which is Amitabha Buddha’s world. Amitabha enables us to be reborn in his world of perfection. “Quickly reborn” means to be reborn as soon as our present lives are finished.

「我剎」就是極樂世界,極樂世界是佛的世界,阿彌陀佛要我們往生到這樣 一個世界, 而且「速生」── 今生今世就到這個世界。

Namo Amituofo!