Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching
To Renounce the Defiled Land and Admire the Pure Land (continued)
It says in the Notes on Articles written by Master Yinguang:
1. One is not able to escape reincarnation through practicing worldly virtues. Comparing the pure karma of rebirth replete with faith and aspiration, the karma of worldly virtues is “evil.”
2. One should set forth the mind that aspires to be reborn in the West near the end-of-life. Don’t say that, being a lay person, you are not ready to accept it. You would rather wait to become a heavenly king or monastic, one who attains multiple enlightenments and the great Dharani upon hearing the Dharma. Only then can you preach the Dharma to benefit sentient beings? This thinking should be regarded as “poison”! You should make every effort to avoid it, and any thought of accepting a body in the next life.
3. The original purpose for practicing diligently is to end the suffering of birth-and-death. Therefore, it is the top priority for all Buddhists to end the suffering of birth-and-death, otherwise you are in grave danger. If a Buddhist is unable to exit Samsara, he is bound to fall into the Three Wretched Realms. With this understanding, we should strive to end the suffering of birth-and-death in this lifetime.
(to be continued tomorrow)
厭穢欣淨 (續)
1. 世間善業,不出輪迴;若對信願具足之往生淨業,則彼善業,仍屬惡業 。
2. 當須發決定心,臨終定欲往生西方。且莫說碌碌庸人之身,不願更受,即為人天王身,及出家為僧,一聞千悟,得大總持,大宏法化,普利眾生之高僧身,亦視之若毒荼罪藪,決定不生一念欲受之心。
3. 修行用功,原為了生死。故凡學佛,必須先為了生死;生死不了,危險太大;輪迴未出,難免墮落。努力今生,以了生死。
Namo Amituofo!