Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 8, 2023

Aug 8, 2023
A Verse sharing Compassionate Advice and Cautions quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’ by Master Shandao

The joy of the Samadhi of Pratyutpanna
The suffering in the Three Domains and the Six Realms is difficult to stop,
Sentient beings are endlessly drowning (in the sea of suffering),
They hear the sounds of birth and death everywhere.
Shakyamuni Tathagata’s real reward land is incomparably pure.
He was able to split his body and manifest in the Land of Saha.
He was able to deliver sentient beings by becoming a Buddha with the Eight Marks.
At various times, he shared the Dharma of the human, celestial realms, and the Two Vehicles.
At other times, he shared the practices necessary for Bodhisattvas to attain Nirvana.
He also spoke of the Sudden and Gradual Teachings, and explained the teachings of Emptiness and Existence.
He cleared obstructions within people through the Dharma. Thus, all those with advanced capabilities were benefited.
For those with lesser capabilities, he shared the Gradual Teaching of the Jade Sutra.
In that way they could realize the State of Non-Retrogression after ten thousand eons of cultivation.
He also taught the Contemplation Sutra, the Amitabha Sutra, etc.,
Which are among the Sudden Teachings within the Bodhisattva Canon.
Those who exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name for one to seven days, can instantly be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy when their lives end.
It is exceedingly difficult for people to sustain their own cultivation for ten thousand eons,
Because they have hundreds and thousands of afflictions.
If they can persevere in their Dharma practices while in the Land of Saha,
They can expect to leave the Six Realms in as many eons as there are sands in the Ganges River
Greed and hatred are among the karmas that cause reincarnation.
How can these afflictions be the cause of the Perseverance of Non-Arising?
Why don’t those who experience the burning suffering of greed and hatred,
Simply go to the kingdom of Amitabha.
Amitabha aspired to attain perfect Enlightenment while in his causal ground.
He suddenly gave up his throne, became a monk called Dharmakara, and pursued the Bodhisattva practices as a student of Lokeshvararaja.
Because of his karmic circumstances, he made his famous 48 vows.
Each of them was made for the sake of delivering sentient beings.

三界六道苦難停, 曠劫以來常沒沒,
到處唯聞生死聲。 釋迦如來真報土,
清淨莊嚴無勝是; 為度娑婆分化入,
八相成佛度眾生。 或說人天二乘法,
或說菩薩涅槃因, 或漸或頓明空有,
人法二障遣雙除; 根性利者皆蒙益,
鈍根無智難開悟。 瓔珞經中說漸教,
萬劫修功證不退; 觀經彌陀經等說,
即是頓教菩薩藏。 一日七日專稱佛,
命斷須臾生安樂, 一入彌陀涅槃國,
即得不退證無生。 萬劫修功實難續,
一時煩惱百千間, 若待娑婆證法忍,
六道恒沙劫未期。 貪瞋即是輪迴業,
煩惱豈是無生因, 驗此貪瞋火燒苦,
不如走入彌陀國。 彌陀因地發心時,
頓捨王位求菩提, 饒王佛所落髮鬚,
出家修道名法藏, 四十八願因茲發,

Namo Amituofo!