Friday, September 8, 2023

September 7, 2023

Sep 7, 2023
Master Jingzong Answers Questions about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

Q1. How can we attain real happiness in the Land of Saha?
A1. This is a very good question.
The Land of Saha is a world of afflictions, a world of enduring suffering. Because of these afflictions and suffering, we hope to attain happiness. Everyone hopes to avoid suffering and attain happiness.
However, what is real happiness? How can we attain it? Actually, we have never had a taste of real happiness.
According to the Buddhist teachings, there are three kinds of happiness - external happiness, internal happiness, and the happiness of Dharma Joy.
External happiness refers to the satisfaction of the Five Desires for - money, lust, fame, food, and sleep. These are the forms of happiness experienced by heavenly and human beings. They satisfy the sensual desires of the body and mind, which are considered the lowest, most coarse, and shallow forms of happiness. They can be further divided into many additional categories.
This kind of happiness can easily confuse the majority of people, and produce the causal conditions for them to develop excessive cravings and even commit offenses. Most people are driven to all kinds of wrongdoings while seeking the satisfaction of the Five Desires.
(1/5 completed. To be continued tomorrow)

問(1):怎樣在娑婆世界得到真實的快樂? 怎樣在娑婆世界得到真實的快樂?

外樂是指五欲之樂 - “財、色、名、食、睡”或者人天福樂,滿足人的身心感官的需要,這是一種最是最低級、最粗糙的快樂。一般講的。當然,細分還可以很多。

Namo Amituofo!