Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 27, 2023

Oct 27, 2023
Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

Q6: I am nearly 30 years old and very unhappy because of all the difficulties in my life. I want to ask: how can I attain rebirth and have a “new” life?
Answer to Q6:
You are just 30 and unhappy with your life. I think it’s too early to say whether your life will remain the same or become easier in the future.
Perhaps you are not patient enough? Many people haven’t accomplished their goals by the age of 30. However, the Buddha taught that all phenomena are impermanent.
Some people say, “If you are not satisfied with your life, it may motivate you to make a change. However, having said that, I think it may not completely make you happy.
Actually, if you have a healthy body and a loving family, you have much to be grateful for. If you don’t take the time to appreciate what you have, you will never be completely satisfied, have many complaints, place blame, remain confused, and ruin your life.
In any case, you have to seek changes and improvements based on your current situation and status in life. So, it is appropriate to say that you are not fully unsatisfied, but also not fully satisfied.
You should pursue a better ending for your life, based on the foundation of basic satisfaction and gratefulness. That is one way you can have a kind of rebirth.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!