Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 28, 2023

Oct 28, 2023
Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

(continuation of Q6 - 2/3)
First you must, to a certain extent, try to find satisfaction and gratefulness in your
daily life.
Second, you must try to deal with all matters and relationships in each day with Love.
The most important thing in life is love. If you wish to have a rebirth or a “new” life, you must awaken your ability to love. If you cannot, it is impossible for you to attain a rebirth within this life.
It is like having a body that is injured. It must be healed by the life force in order to have a speedy recovery. The stronger the life force, the faster the recovery. The more the love in your heart is activated, the stronger your life force will become, and you will have a far better quality of life.
If your understanding of a “new life” is defined as: being wealthy, your work going smoothly, being respected by others, having a good family, being a good child, etc., I am afraid you will never attain a “new life”.
It is because your understanding of the meaning of life is more or less the same as before, with no difference in terms of nature or quality, but just in quantity, and feeling better or worse.
With respect to a rebirth or a revitalized life, one must get the answer from the root source of life.
(to be continued tomorrow)

◇ 第一,對現實要有某種程度的滿足和感恩。
◇ 第二,要用愛心對待周圍的一切人事。

Namo Amituofo!