Thursday, November 16, 2023

November 16, 2023

Nov 16, 2023
Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答

Q8: Often, even with the accumulation of a great deal of knowledge, we still don't have a better life. Why?

Answer to Q8:
Yes, this is a question that troubles many contemporary Chinese and other people in the world. They think it is unreasonable. One should have a life filled with blessings if he is very knowledgeable! Actually, it more often depends upon what knowledge you have and what was its source.
If its source was a person who doesn't know how to live well, has no enlightenment, and suffers a great deal in his own life, you should not expect to have a life filled with blessings, if you choose to follow his teachings about how to live one’s life . Isn’t that so?
Take a look. There are many who share their knowledge, both online and in books; but, how many of them have gained enlightenment in their lives? Have they eliminated all of their afflictions? Is their compassion perfect and complete?
Some famous authors, poets, artists, philosophers, etc. have created a great body of work ; but, in the end they may commit suicide or accumulate many karmic offenses. They are still just ordinary beings, trapped by their habitual behaviors and afflictions. If you trust in their teachings, you will probably not have blessings in your life.
So, as you see, just because a person is knowledgeable it doesn’t mean he has more blessings. Blessings are more of a feeling in our hearts. If you learn Buddhist teachings, you know the Buddha was a fully enlightened being, with perfect and complete compassion and wisdom. It is his great compassion and wisdom that shows us the direction and path in life.
(to be continued tomorrow)



Namo Amituofo!