Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答
Q8: Despite accumulating a great deal of knowledge, we still don't have a better life. Why?
Answer to Q8: (continued)
If you learn Buddhist teachings, your life will be deepened, and you will be more confident in your good prospects, hope and light. You will have a life full of delight and safety.
Let me simply make two points:
1. If you establish the Buddhist concept of cause and effect as your guide in life, you will have less trouble, and avoid conflicts and calamities. If not, you will commit offenses and suffer the consequences of what you do.
If you understand cause and effect, and implement it in your thought process, you will think - this is a wholesome cause incurring a wholesome effect, so do it; or, this is an unwholesome cause incurring a painful effect, so don’t do it.
So, before you take any action, you will have already clearly differentiated it. Generally, people just take a chance, and commit offenses without weighing the consequences. This is very dangerous.
2. Those of us who recite Amitabha’s name are embraced by his compassionate light. In response, we feel warmth, comfort, trust, confidence, safety, ease of mind, and many other immeasurable benefits.
◎ 比如說,如果建立了對佛法因果觀念的認知,以此來指導自己的人生,那會免掉多少麻煩?那會避開多少矛盾、凶險?因為不知因果、不信因果,妄造一些因果,造了罪業,最後都是痛苦,所謂自釀的苦酒自己喝。
◎ 再比如,如果我們多唸佛,自然在佛光的攝護、佛光的慈悲照耀之中,會感受到佛法的溫暖、安慰,這一生有依靠,有信心,有安心,有安全。這個好處是無窮無盡的。好,南無阿彌陀佛,供你參考。
Namo Amituofo!