Voice of Master Jingzong - Q and A about the Purpose of Life
淨宗之聲 - 人生目的問答
Q9: Is it a waste for someone to become devoted to Buddhism and become a Buddhist while in their twenties? Is it worth it for them to give up their jobs to become a full time volunteer in a Buddhist organization? Couldn’t their academic qualifications and talents be better used to contribute to society? They are a disappointment to their parents and the teachers who nourished them. What do you think dear Dharma master?
Answer to Q9:
When Shakyamuni Buddha gave up his status as a prince, and said goodbye to his father who was a King, many people thought it was a “waste”, a “pity” and a “disappointment” to his parents and teachers. A prophet had predicted that he would become a Wheel Turning Sagely King if he didn’t leave home. He could bring peace and joy to all of the citizens in his country.
Leaving home to be a monk is a “waste”?! The prince became a fully enlightened Buddha. How can a Wheel Turning Sagely King be compared with a Buddha? Isn’t it more of a waste if our Buddha-nature is not awakened and developed?
From the Buddhist point of view, all sentient beings have Buddha-nature, which is the capacity to become a Buddha. However, if our Buddha-nature is not nurtured and we continually commit karmic offenses, we will endlessly reincarnate within the Six Realms. Isn’t that the greatest waste?!
(to be continued tomorrow)
問 (9)二十來歲的年輕人入佛門,是不是太可惜?他們對佛教非常信仰,甚至要放棄工作,全職加入佛教團隊做義工。以他們的學歷、能力,原本可以為社會做出很大貢獻,當義工是不是太可惜、太浪費了?而且也辜負了父母、師長的養育和教育之恩。請問法師怎麼看待這種現象?
Namo Amituofo!